Importing Civilian Version of new Norinco QBZ-191

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You're missing the fact that the every day necessary consumption goods are NOT available from local or civilized sources so, yes we all buy commie stuff because we have no choice. In guns and supplies we DO have a choice. Don't preach me about virtue signaling and hypocrisy.

I knew you'd have some type of rationalization to excuse your own actions.

How much you wanna bet some of the non-essential stuff you chose to buy from china had a locally sourced and manufactured, more expensive option?
Look at you with the full throttle virtue signaling. Unles you live naked in an empty house, I can guarantee you are just as guilty of "supporting" china as anyone else. The hipocrisy is strong.

Which device did you use to type up your post again?

It's not hard to buy non Chinese goods. The hard part is eliminating the base materials and items this is where one truly can't get 100% away from China made products.

But anyone saying ypu can't get products not made in china hasn't bothered to look. Can buy canadian clothing for a larger price, or q laptop made in Thailand to say #### ypu to mainland China. Can get a cellphones in the Philippines, or India, ex(samsung) while buying Japanese or German rifle sccopes. Like moving away from China isn't as impossible as people say. And the more who do over time the less likely companies will choose China over a cheaper to manufacture nation like the Philippines or India.
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