M+M M10X-Z DMR Rifle Give Away June 10th, $2099.95 Value!

100% of the 10X rifles that we have sold have worked. If you are concerned about a warranty rate that is at the most 2-3%, than you may want to avoid buying any make of vehicle on the market, because that recall rate is 10 times higher.
Looks like one of the people who worked the election for Biden in the USA has decided to apply their skills to this contest already. You can not stuff the ballot box and enter multiple email adresses, it is not going to work. It takes a few seconds and clicks to catch this and you will not be entered at all. You need to create an actual account with a real name to qualify. It may be crafty, but its not fair.
Looks like one of the people who worked the election for Biden in the USA has decided to apply their skills to this contest already. You can not stuff the ballot box and enter multiple email adresses, it is not going to work. It takes a few seconds and clicks to catch this and you will not be entered at all. You need to create an actual account with a real name to qualify. It may be crafty, but its not fair.

Stop the M10x steal !!

This is a cool as long as you don't sell my information. I really hate entering giveaways only to be spammed by a crap ton of useless stuff for a week after till I block all the incoming addresses.
100% of the 10X rifles that we have sold have worked. If you are concerned about a warranty rate that is at the most 2-3%, than you may want to avoid buying any make of vehicle on the market, because that recall rate is 10 times higher.

99% of people who sh!t on this rifle haven't shot one, doesn't own one, or can't afford one. It's a decently accurate and reliable rifle if you don't use surplus junk. Can't say the same for their customer service unfortunately, they are crappy.
for anyone that isnt sure, you can try to log in and just sign up at the bottom and if you're already registered it will give you a message stating so
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