Sticker draw for full load tavor x95

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I’m in for $20... I’m sure if I added up all the draws I have done I would just have paid for this gun outright if I kept my $20-$25 per draw by now
we wanted to put together a non restricted dream gun that people could have for a $20 chance, might as well make it a range ready package....
Or you can follow the law when doing a giveaway/contest.

I don't know why I expected a different response from you clowns. You guys still got that sub 1MOA SKS you love to brag in store about? lol

Don't worry about it I'm winning it anyway. So cry some more.
Criminal code and the competition act preclude schemes where payments are made in exchange for raffle tickets or a chance to win is attached to a sale transaction, unless the entity running the game is a NPO or/and charity with a valid lottery license number.

This thread is closed until the business account has updated their website with official prints on how to enter the draw with free entry. It will be removed if the free entry print is not incorporated by the next business day.
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