Is anyone else having problems with Jo brook in Manitoba?

Nobody calls anymore, they want to email and text but they want the speed of a voice convo and their problems to be first in line to be solved...

I called 5 times. as I said before the emails and facebook messages were ignored.
I feel as if they arent the best with communication through internet, but if you call them im sure they're happy to help. When i had an issue with troy semi auto, they were good ppl

Yeah, why bother to read so you can reply with something other than drivel when you can keep your head up your own ass? Much easier.

I did call, 5 times. every time I called, I got it will ship any day. Until I posted here. Then, a day later a shipping label was generated.

Ignore the braindead NPCs. There's nothing wrong with making a thread to get a business' attention for an issue, and you certainly didn't slander them.
Just dealt with Jo Brooks for the first time. Ordered some 380 that was priced better than any other site sponsor. I had foolishly forgot to enter my PAL info when ordering and a gentleman called me promptly the next morning to get it so they could process the order. It arrived 3 or 4 days later. I was so impressed I went to order another case but it had sadly all sold out. Needless to say I will gladly order from them again.
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