I'm sure you saw.... No more Canpar

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Another "woke" business trying to score virtue points from the left. Shopify is a MASSIVE Canadian company that takes care of online ordering for tons of independent stores and has shut down websites and trapped their inventory info saying they will not be a part of an industry to sells suffering and death.

Death by a thousand cuts. FVCK them! start stock piling components and form reloading groups in your towns.
With covid and so many people ordering everything on line, they are cherry picking, we need more choice in shipping companies over all not just the sport shooting niche! Someone will see a profit potential and fill it,,, but will be more expensive!
They can go under as far as I'm concerned. This could be a good thing, maybe you'll find a company that doesn't suck.
I'm thinking the anti's have a lot to do with this, they smell blood and are going after every avenue to kill gun-ownership in this county. It's interesting that a similar narrative is being tossed around in the U.S. that the Biden admin. is considering banning all mail order firearm parts and ammunition sales via mail order. The lobbying and full throttle wokeness is in full swing behind the scenes as well, another version of cancel culture, and will only likely escalate from here.
I'm too old to start this type of business, but I can think of a good business plan. I expect it would be a moneymaker for any go-getter. The risk is in what the federal government does in the future. There is no real risk in the short term profitability.
I'm expecting it to be harder and harder in the next decades to have any services relating firearms. Slow death by the politicaly correct.

This is where the growth is, someone somewhere will gladly take the place of this company and offer such services. "Notice that opportunity lurks where responsibility has been abdicated".
With covid and so many people ordering everything on line, they are cherry picking, we need more choice in shipping companies over all not just the sport shooting niche! Someone will see a profit potential and fill it,,, but will be more expensive!

I'm pretty sure this is all part of the multi prong approach to try and kill firearm ownership.
Should another player step in and fill the gap, they will likely go after them hard, making it not worth their effort.

I could even see the insurance corporations banding together and refusing to insure anyone, who would as much as even think about it.
It sounds like the woke generation is taking aim at the firearms industry ; and is probably doing so with the full support of Trudeau and the Liberal Party of Canada . Banks are starting to refuse to deal with firearm related businesses , and now shipping companies . There seems to be a pattern emerging .
It sounds like the woke generation is taking aim at the firearms industry ; and is probably doing so with the full support of Trudeau and the Liberal Party of Canada . Banks are starting to refuse to deal with firearm related businesses , and now shipping companies . There seems to be a pattern emerging .

Corporate dictatorship.
Big tech will censor you, big banks will refuse to deal with you, government will selectively prosecute and demonize you, while legislating you out of business.

This is all carefully directed by the globalist banking cartells, pushed through UN and WHO via various "mankind saving agendas" such as agenda 2030, while financed by eugenist psychopaths posing as "philantrophes".

The goal is to create Orwellian society, in which you own nothing and these psychopaths own you instead.
Civilian disarmament is of vital importance to these people.
screw them,people will simply throw it in a box,and ship it Canada Post,yes the CP rules say know,but they also can't ask you what's inside,lots of people have shipped ammo like that for years,nothing has ever come of it,some even use a somewhat different return address,just to be safe,LOL.
of course,paying cash.
screw them,people will simply throw it in a box,and ship it Canada Post,yes the CP rules say know,but they also can't ask you what's inside,lots of people have shipped ammo like that for years,nothing has ever come of it,some even use a somewhat different return address,just to be safe,LOL.
of course,paying cash.

That might work for private to private transactions, but no business will enter that kind of liability, as the stakes are much higher for them.

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