D-Day Display from the Canadian Historical Arms Museum

I'm not disputing the artifacts; the problem is how they are not described. To repeat myself, without labels or graphics, the display doesn't inform or educate. I don't see a single display panel, only artifacts. A mob of crusty well-read collectors will gush and coo about the differences between the No.4 Mk I and Mk I*, but a 25-yr old new shooter without benefit of a large library will have no clue what is happening behind the glass.

Who is this display intended to inform? In my opinion this display entirely misses its objective audience. Conventional bricks and mortar museums are choking. DDay museums in Northern France are regularly closed and the collections dispersed. Today's visitors are much less likely to travel long distances only to be stopped 12" from the objects and only press their noses against a glass. The interwebs teaches so much, and visitors are more interested in the sensory experience of history. Think Ontario Regiment Museum's Acquino weekend, think Bovington's Tank Days, think Old Fort Henry, think Ceremonial Guard, think Canadian Warplane Heritage's flying Lancaster vs the National Aviation and Space Museum's static Lanc' display, etc.

What is my background? Degree in history, compiler of annual military unit historical report, editor of annual journal, small-A archivist, small-M museologist, and volunteer with a historic military vehicle collection ( www.coldwarcollection.com ).

One of the Curators of the Canadian Historical Arms Museum left a legend behind for us to advise on each item and when they have been around since the display went up, they have taken time out of their day to describe many of the items to those viewing the display who may not have seen them before. There is also a listing on the side of the display, which you can't see in these photos, but can see if you're looking at it in store.

Two things I've learned - the individuals at the Canadian Historical Arms Museum are very giving of their time in both putting this together, speaking with those looking at the display and leaving a legend behind for us to work from...


Some people on the Internet will always find something to argue about and are never happy.
Some people on the Internet will always find something to argue about and are never happy.

Yup, you got that right. Some people are just miserable and they try to bring everyone else down to there level. If you don’t like the post just move on.
This is a fantastic display and you are correct about people always having to argue on the internet. Some people are so insecure that the only way for them to feel better about themselves is to become a keyboard warrior.
^^^^ I'm guessing constructive criticism on the internet must be perceived as insensitive, shallow, and of course, unappreciative of the hard work of the benefactors. Silly me for lifting my head above the parapet. Did the point I was making about conventional museums suffering not resonate?

If a legend is available, I'd like to see it. I have looked at other display vaults posted on the association's page, and see similar museology trends. They are impressive artifacts, but without context the public is not well served.
^^^^ I'm guessing constructive criticism on the internet must be perceived as insensitive, shallow, and of course, unappreciative of the hard work of the benefactors. Silly me for lifting my head above the parapet. Did the point I was making about conventional museums suffering not resonate?

If a legend is available, I'd like to see it. I have looked at other display vaults posted on the association's page, and see similar museology trends. They are impressive artifacts, but without context the public is not well served.

I'm afraid you'll have to visit in order to see it. I'll pass along your 'constructive criticism' to the individual who put hours of his day during his retirement (from the military) into putting this together. If you pass along your personal contact info to me via DM, maybe he'll even give you a call and you can fill him in on what he can do better next time.

Until then - everyone who comes in is enjoying seeing these items on display and going over each item with the person who put it together or with us using the legend given and a few key points about the items in the display. That's the last I have to say on the matter. It will be here for a week. I could have deleted your 'constructive criticism', but, I think I'll leave it and let others read into it a bit more. It has come across as a bit more 'holier than thou' than you may think.

Good day.
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Wow.... I am soooooo blessed to be in the presence of such greatness "Thank You sir may I have another" (Animal House quote).

Instead of bashing someone, the CHAM VOLUNTEER for what could not be done, praise an effort that was made when none would have been done in the first place. If you are so blessed that you would provide a larger proper display case to allow for everything, as theirs is limited, then please do so.

I love the CD with two bars you have as your avatar, good on you for earning that if you have, but you won't see me calling someone out for not having operational medals to go with a CD.
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I'm offended that you're offended of all the offendedence... water pistols at dawn :cool:

Or are they on the OIC?
I'm afraid you'll have to visit in order to see it. I'll pass along your 'constructive criticism' to the individual who put hours of his day during his retirement (from the military) into putting this together.


Good day.

You are welcome, I already sent a PM to the collection forewarning of the conversation.
You are welcome, I already sent a PM to the collection forewarning of the conversation.

Yes. I received your e-mail, since I assist on the tech side for CHAM, since technology isn't their strong suit. As was pointed out to you previously, there is a legend and labels in the display that you can't see in these photos. These photos were taken with the vault doors open after the display was confirmed as finished. Labelling took place following.

You're welcome to come see for yourself. Look forward to your visit.
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