Trade Ex

Look like Tradeex just sell the "left over" guns from their inventory. They have still a large inventory from the past. Will be needed 2-3 years to be sold out and close the bussiness. I guess "trudeau fever" is the reason for getting out of bussiness.
In the 12 years I've been buying from Tony then Anthony I have never had reason to complain about either service or product. Top notch outfit and it will be a real loss when they finally pack it in.
at OP - It is certainly a shame to see another dealer fade away and close up shop. I have had good dealings with TEC and hope to have a few more before they close out and retire completely.

It is nice to see you post around here again and I hope you are keeping well. I recall meeting you once at an intro to f-class match at Connaught where we had a lovely chat. I was saddened to see your stock manufacturing business shut down, as we have a couple of your stocks and they were absolutely first rate!

As to those here that are quick to jump on someone for not knowing about TEC. Yes, not everyone is in the know. However, I feel it is nice to see someone checking in on their local shops. Especially if that person happens to be a former shop owner and leader in Canadian stock manufacturer and gunsmith! I think it completely normal and down right neighbourly for someone like that to drop by and check in.
Look like Tradeex just sell the "left over" guns from their inventory. They have still a large inventory from the past. Will be needed 2-3 years to be sold out and close the bussiness. I guess "trudeau fever" is the reason for getting out of bussiness.

read anything above your post and you'll find you're wrong
Look like Tradeex just sell the "left over" guns from their inventory. They have still a large inventory from the past. Will be needed 2-3 years to be sold out and close the bussiness. I guess "trudeau fever" is the reason for getting out of bussiness.

Now that you have shown everyone how little you know....
Tradex ---ALWAYS interesting gear, good prices, Just Excellent Service over the years , Sure hope they are not going anywhere. Everything ,s changed during this XFking pandemic, except this corrupt Gov,T.
Do any of you guys read more than what the OP posted?

The Trade Ex website clearly states what is happening with them.

We are open and processing mail order sales with limited staff. Unfortunately no appointments or curb side pick ups are available until further notice.

have decided to downsize T.E.C. Trade Ex Canada. Inc. considerably, by slowing down on purchases and reducing inventory.

we are not closing, we are just simplifying things for ourselves.

The replies I see here are from people who never looked for the information themselves but instead read the headline, made assumptions, and went with what the other guy said. This is EXACTLY why the mainstream media posts juicy bold headlines in their news feed. People only read headlines. That's how easy it is to manipulate people.

To summarize:

Trade-Ex is not closing.
They are reducing inventory and will be running the business as a hobby from now on.
They do not take appointments for curbside pickup.

To some this may seem like onspiracy theories, but its posted on the Trade-Ex website homepage.
I purchased a lot of Woodleighs from them. A little while ago I went to order some more and every single one says out of stock, I wonder if they moved their Woodleighs inventory elsewhere.

I did still manage to order a few boxes of A-Frames for my 470 though. Shipped fast and arrived perfect as always.
I have dealt with them for many years, and they have always been 100% and treat other business members great.
They are getting tired , so slowing down, and that means cutting down on huge stock. and 16 hr days.
Bought my first rifle from TradeEx: An M96 that has killed many mooses. Way better than any Remington 710 that were offered at the store for the same price.

Anthony was first class.

Do any of you guys read more than what the OP posted?

The Trade Ex website clearly states what is happening with them.

We are open and processing mail order sales with limited staff. Unfortunately no appointments or curb side pick ups are available until further notice.

have decided to downsize T.E.C. Trade Ex Canada. Inc. considerably, by slowing down on purchases and reducing inventory.

we are not closing, we are just simplifying things for ourselves.

The replies I see here are from people who never looked for the information themselves but instead read the headline, made assumptions, and went with what the other guy said. This is EXACTLY why the mainstream media posts juicy bold headlines in their news feed. People only read headlines. That's how easy it is to manipulate people.

To summarize:

Trade-Ex is not closing.
They are reducing inventory and will be running the business as a hobby from now on.
They do not take appointments for curbside pickup.

To some this may seem like onspiracy theories, but its posted on the Trade-Ex website homepage.

Hey this only has been posted on their homepage for a year, give people some time
I have bought from TradeEx in the past.
All my Emails, Phone Calls, Texts always answered. No issues or hiccups!
Shipping, payment, Photos requested, and gun details clearly stated or doubts clarified.
No problems from me!
Thanks Tony!
Tradex hasn't been answering my emails lately. Sent a few over the last 2 months. No replies...

Maybe your email is ending up as junk? I emailed them maybe 2 months ago about a replacement Husqy barrel, and about 7 days later it was in my hands on the other side of the country.
Maybe your email is ending up as junk? I emailed them maybe 2 months ago about a replacement Husqy barrel, and about 7 days later it was in my hands on the other side of the country.

Nope. Nothing in the spam can. For that matter, the other party that hasn't been responding to my emails is (az) - (tec) armoury. Is there a better way to contact those guys? Name is getting censored?
I've just gotten In touch with "the other party". It's spotty at best. Ive msg'd them a long time ago and no reply. Then out of the blue I got a very detailed reply that answered my query regarding stuff in Canada but listed out of stock. They then offered to order another part when they locate one and just said to buy it in backorder and wait, if I was willing to do so. I've been on the very first Type 81 preorder a long time ago. If anything helped me with Zen-like patience, that certainly did! Anyways after their last reply I had another question about a couple other things and after a couple weeks, I'm still waiting for a reply. I think messages and emails go down to their FFL wherever, and possibly get forwarded to the listening post up here in the Okanagan where the forward observer replies, possibly after researching the viability of the questioning I put forth. I have to be fair, if my enquiries were simple and straightforward, I'd probably just be able to go to the big box sporting goods store and grab it off the shelf. My questions are for those who specialize in the bringing in for me items of specific, rare or otherwise hard to obtain and shiny things for my firearms... All these places have usually more than 1 way to contact them, most of which would probably not give you a reply quick enough if you figured to try and touch base while you are en route to their shop lol
Bought from marstars. Great guys. Makes me sad seeing the gun industry in Canada downsizing :( while I'm just getting into it
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