Liberals invoke S.39, refuse to provide evidence

There should be no S.39. A act written to hide the criminality of government. Since when does a democratic country have more secret laws to pull out of their a** than actual real ones...
This is nothing more than a Fascist Dictatorship. The whole system is corrupt and govt has just proven this by invoking S.39. We all know that The Federal govts gun ban is based on lies and corruption. Law abiding gun owners will not be treated with fairness and honesty.The Chief Justice for the Federal Court of Canada should be able to force Govt to disclose the documents for review by the Justice.
This is incredibly important for people to understand.

This is confirmation from the highest public service position in our country that the underlying rationale the government used to ban these firearms is so utterly damning that it CANNOT be made public.

We are simply left to speculate as to why exactly that is.

I think this is where we need to reach out to MSM and push this.

Liberals went on record that they would make decisions based on data. They would be transparent with the people. we all knew that wasn't true, but they are on record saying it.

Its not about What they did, its about How they did it.

The MSM may actually get on board that.
How can criteria used to make a publicly available list be considered a state secret?
Any word from the Judge's side on for a timeline for a response, perhaps previously mentioned?

is there precedent for this action?

Curious to see how things turn out but I am not willing to wait lol
I am not clear that s39 allows the govt to hide any evidence. They can hide stuff that breaches the confidentiality of the Privy Council. If your "evidence" is the discussions held by the privy council, then we are grasping at straws. I hope the court case has other options to stop this f-g OIC.
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