Take a look of this footage!

Pro Staffer Alan = Cadex's Legal Council.

He's a nice guy and loves the Industry, and is very good friends with some great content creators.

It's a sizzle reel, and while we can all sit on our keyboards and pick it all apart, you kind of have to give a nod to the guys out there churning out the content.

We're all here because we love guns, and have a passion - right, wrong or otherwise we shouldn't be taking a p!ss on each other like this.
Pro Staffer Alan = Cadex's Legal Council.

He's a nice guy and loves the Industry, and is very good friends with some great content creators.

It's a sizzle reel, and while we can all sit on our keyboards and pick it all apart, you kind of have to give a nod to the guys out there churning out the content.

We're all here because we love guns, and have a passion - right, wrong or otherwise we shouldn't be taking a p!ss on each other like this.

Constructive criticism can turn into negative criticism for sure, people performing successfully at a high level or building quality products are usually the type's that are always looking for constructive criticism and ways to improve their "game". You need to have a thick skin and confidence to put yourself out there in the public domain.

Haters gonna hate.... :)
WOW! Comment winner of the year here!

There's so much ego on cgn....

So much negativity...

So much hate...

And most of the time the haters are commenting out of their a$$holes because they have no clue.

I can't argue with any of that.
hahaha, 6MT... I'm glad you quoted what I said... I think you should read it again and tell me where I "have so much hate" got mixed in with cynicism.
Looks like some dudes out at the range having fun ringing some steel and playing or working on video editing to create something entertaining, probably just having fun trying to build videos.

We can sit around and criticize how it wasn’t done right, or enjoy it for what it is. Might be some useful criticism in this thread for the video editing. At least they can grow in their skills. Condescending critics on the forum.. Not so much for growing, but that’s why we have the “ignore posts” function on here.
Hi Everyone,

Patrice, Sales Director here.

I think that some people are getting confused here and started on wrong assumptions... Who said that this is Cadex's content?

It often happen that Cadex's social media team shares some content provided by our worldwide customers. This content is not generated by Cadex, but unless it's a "total mess" we'll normally share it by politeness. The footage may not be done at a professional level, but someone took the time to put it together with the best intentions of the world and I personally feel that it's important to show our gratitude by sharing it even if sometimes I would've done things differently. I personally always feel bad for our well intentioned customer when I'm forced to decline to share their videos or pictures because there's content that is sub-par quality or poses some legal concerns. Sometimes the person is upset/insulted and I can understand...

I'll be honest, I just saw the video this morning as I just came back from vacation. But even if I would've been at the factory, I would've allowed our marketing team to share it as I don't see anything in this video that poses legal concerns and the quality of the image is pretty good. I don't see neither why the content could be interpreted as misleading but if you knew this Prostaff's background you wouldn't challenge his integrity one minute.

I thank you all for your time and I appreciate your understanding.


  • Alan.JPG
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Patrice, it's a pretty good teaser for sure, if it wasn't for the lack of continuity with the gloved hand working the bolt, followed by the bare hand on the pistol grip and trigger I doubt there would be as criticism.

I don't think it reflects poorly on your company or your product that's for sure..... good potential learning experience for vitamindeeez but sometimes you have to cut and paste with the footage you have and minor mistakes are made. Happens in big movies all the time.
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