UPS playing games now with gun/ammo shipments

What we need is to change the voting laws. If you vote NDP or green and they don't get in then it's a wasted vote. All these dummies that keep voting for these A.H's may as well be voting liberal because they're the ones keeping them in power.

I try to educate as many people as I can but you really can't fix stupid. They all suck and none seem to care about Canada as much as they're gold plated pension plans
How about we all work together on campaigns to elect federal and provincial governments that make it illegal to discriminate about shipping lawful goods? Speak to your local Conservative MP and MPP about discrimination.

Also its time Canada Post was mandated to ship ammo and reloading components for goodness sake. How was that ever lost with our hunting heritage in a vast northern country, along with our heritage in target shooting? Speak to your MP.

And how about we all work together to teach lots and lots of young people how to shoot, and build more ranges for the increased capacity we are going to need to change the demographics in the future? :)

It is really bad that there are long waiting lists to join ranges in and around big cities where most people (voters) live. We need entrepreneurs and corporate sponsors to step up and become builders.

Take a non-shooting friend to the range and show them how fun it is, while also showing them how regulated you are with all the laws and procedures you have to abide by.

Its up to us to shape the future - if we sit back and don't try, the dominant deep urban culture will take our rights away - they don't seem to have any problems with discrimination and harassment of anyone who disagrees with them or is different than them.

BTW, I am guilty of quietly enjoying hunting and target shooting and reloading, and not participating in politics, election campaigns, or attracting new folks to my local range. I need to get off my butt and work for the future to pass on the heritage.
What we need is to change the voting laws. If you vote NDP or green and they don't get in then it's a wasted vote. All these dummies that keep voting for these A.H's may as well be voting liberal because they're the ones keeping them in power.

I try to educate as many people as I can but you really can't fix stupid. They all suck and none seem to care about Canada as much as they're gold plated pension plans

There shouldn't even be fringe parties.
No practical way to do it

Is this maybe something coming from the politics side of things? It seems to be to effective and intelligent to be associated with the great leader 'Mr. Fancy Socks'. But it is an effective way of shutting down the movement of firearms and limit it to how far people will drive.

To be positive about it, maybe I should get a horse and buggy and start a business. Couldn't be any worse the CANPAR!!!
I’m curious if these companies that are not shipping firearms and related products are getting some back door tax break or subsidies. Hmmm.
I’m curious if these companies that are not shipping firearms and related products are getting some back door tax break or subsidies. Hmmm.

probably not... if this recent news regarding UPS is indeed true, I'll be the first to speculate that its virtue signaling response to the Birthday Shooting in sh##hole Toronto.
probably not... if this recent news regarding UPS is indeed true, I'll be the first to speculate that its virtue signaling response to the Birthday Shooting in sh##hole Toronto.

I suspect you are correct, HOWEVER given how morally and ethically bankrupt the LPC is, I would not put it past them to "influence" a private company with a tax deal to further their agenda.
You might be right Shaun..... but be carefully what you say about Emperor Sparkle Socks and the LPC..... they might "C-10" our collective asses here on CGN LOL
What we need is to change the voting laws. If you vote NDP or green and they don't get in then it's a wasted vote. All these dummies that keep voting for these A.H's may as well be voting liberal because they're the ones keeping them in power.

I try to educate as many people as I can but you really can't fix stupid. They all suck and none seem to care about Canada as much as they're gold plated pension plans

The irony in your post hurts so good.

If you want to see how a 2 party system works, look at the dumpster fire to our south. There are varying degrees of the political spectrum, lumping things into black and white without the shades of grey, creates a whole new problem. If you were to vote for A or B because they are the predominant parties, you do yourself and everyone else a disservice by eliminating choice and the ability to put forth action towards change you want to see.

To say we should only have 2 choices and if you don't agree with either, you're opinion and ideals are invalid, is the most ignorant and stupid thing i've heard in a while. Green have always had a snowflakes chance in hell, but NDP is a growing incredibly fast. They have a leader that is able to tap into the pool of young voters and those who have been more or less forgotten by current and past governments and policies. Alberta even got their first orange federal riding in the last election. To say those people don't care about their country or future is again, just ignorant. I know I care a lot about the land and the people, but I sure as hell won't vote for the party that wants to bulldoze conservation areas to build cookie cutter homes or high rises that they will then cater to foreign buyers and investment companies. As well too cutting social safety nets and supports for people that fall on hard times or have a problem they never asked for and have to live with for the remainder of their life. Not to mention the constant shafting of the working class and emergency services. They scream about supporti and how they are the backbone of the economy (heroes even) on camera, but instill raise caps, cut funding and take away valuable paid sick days and even cut down wage increases for those on the bottom rung of the ladder.

It sucks that they target shooting sports, but truthfully I'm more concerned about my ability to own a home and start a family at this point than I am about someone telling me I can't have X Y Z firearm. Besides, in the age of technology, guns and info is a mere click away. I maybe can't download a car that will run, but I can definitely download a gun that will work reliably.
I’m curious if these companies that are not shipping firearms and related products are getting some back door tax break or subsidies. Hmmm.

Being heavily lobbied by the anti's is what is happening. Shamed for being involved in the transport and distribution of "implements of death".
There shouldn't even be fringe parties.

Limiting choice will only enshrine the Liberals as the defacto party of Canada - almost 65% of votes cast last election went to a left leaning party, if you take away the NDP and Greens the vast majority of their votes will become Liberal votes. The CPC tends to be successful in elections where the BLOC and NDP win a lot of seats - in 2006 those two parties had 80 combined seats, 86 seats in 2008, and 107 seats in 2011. In 2015 they only combined for 54, and 56 in 2019.
It seems like it's time for all firearm businesses to get together and start a specialized shipping company that will serve the industry.. pretty soon we are all going to get "cancelled" everywhere else completely so that seems to be the only way to stay in the game.

Right until insurance says no
I’m curious if these companies that are not shipping firearms and related products are getting some back door tax break or subsidies. Hmmm.

It would not surprise me if there were all kinds of taxpayer funded "woke incentives" is likely a combination of factors, such as outside pressures from anti-gun groups, maybe even pressure from the insurance companies whom may have been also involved in getting incentives to play hardball...etc.

Either way, the best way to beat this is to buy ammo in large quantities in person at the gun store...enough that it would offset the driving costs.
It would not surprise me if there were all kinds of taxpayer funded "woke incentives" is likely a combination of factors, such as outside pressures from anti-gun groups, maybe even pressure from the insurance companies whom may have been also involved in getting incentives to play hardball...etc.

Either way, the best way to beat this is to buy ammo in large quantities in person at the gun store...enough that it would offset the driving costs.

I'm buying as much powder and primers as I can afford now while UPS is still shipping.. should be good for a few years
Trudeau goons must be paying them very well or threaten to put them out of business if they don’t comply. Either way liberal communism at its finest.
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