Have you met the Liberal Team?

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This is simply more PPC gaslighting. They are almost as bad as the liberals for that. O'Toole is currently taking heat from the media and Liberals for his plan to NOT require vaccines on public transportation etc. What the PPC are claiming is that because he isn't planning to interfere with Provincial Jurisdiction (healthcare is provincial), somehow that equates to him being PRO-Vax Passport.

There is not much that is more destructive to a country than various levels of government meddling outside of their jurisdiction. Even if you think it is for a good cause, guess what, the next government will do it, and do it more, for things you don't agree with. If your Province has a Vaccine Passport, you need to be in contact with your friends, family, and neighbors, and elected representatives. You need to financially support efforts to defeat them in court. The federal government's place is most definitely not to interfere with provincial health matters.

Learn to read. I'm talking about O'Toole's support for a vax passport, even though he uses a different term. It's still a passport:


Apparently, you don't know what your guy stands for.
Learn to read. I'm talking about O'Toole's support for a vax passport, even though he uses a different term. It's still a passport:


Apparently, you don't know what your guy stands for.
The linked article indicates this is intended for the purpose of facilitating international travel. Many countries are planning to require proof of vaccine to enter their country. Without some national strategy, it could prevent Canadians from traveling abroad. Last week in an intreview, O'Toole clearly stated that he wouldn't impose a national mandate for domestic travel etc.
The linked article indicates this is intended for the purpose of facilitating international travel. Many countries are planning to require proof of vaccine to enter their country. Without some national strategy, it could prevent Canadians from traveling abroad. Last week in an intreview, O'Toole clearly stated that he wouldn't impose a national mandate for domestic travel etc.

And the international travel/airlines industry aspect would be consistent with his constitutional approach, not crossing streams with the Provinces on provincial matters.
Strange, I had a peek at the flyer and noticed that the "mandatory quarantine facilities" that were built LONG before we procured any vaccines - didn't even receive an 'honourable mention'.
Seems like "Gun rights" are more important than overall "freedom" to some folks on here *shrugs*
I printed this out at work and stuck it up in my buddies workstation.
He knows just how much I admire mister twinkle socks.
Everybody that went by thought by the cover it was an endorsement for the libtards and gave him a hard time for it questioning what was wrong with him and why he would want to vote liberal.
He let them read it so they understood what it was.
It made my heart glad no one approved based on what was on the cover.
Strange that there are alot that will arbitrarily bash O-toole and not give him a chance, but find it more important to alow more of the same to continue!
Strange that there are alot that will arbitrarily bash O-toole and not give him a chance, but find it more important to alow more of the same to continue!

Arbitrarily? Give him a chance?

That's hilarious.

I've done more for the CPC than probably 90% of the people here. Donated time, money, sat on the board of directors for my electoral district association for several years. Gave O'Toole and the rest of the CPC caucus chance after chance, only for them to repeatedly spit in my face.

Why would I continue to support a left leaning party that clearly doesn't want my vote anymore?

Is Trudeau going to win? Yes. Will it be my fault? No. The blame will lie with the party that no longer wants me.
I commend and appreciate your past efforts while also understanding your current frustration. You have indeed done more than most to support the CPC. You clearly are not “leaving” conservatism, in many ways conservatism has left you (and many others) behind.

I respect your free choice, while I might not particularly agree with it. Tough choices all round.
I've given plenty of people $#!+ in the past for doing exactly what I've done this time around, but I was lying to myself. This party no longer even pretends to represent me in any way. I can't play their game anymore.
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