
Airsoft guns have a rubber bushing that rubs the top of the bb as it passes, imparting a backspin and increasing range. A similar, but more durable system on the side should work though it would need to be adjustable for curved shots. The ammo disks could have beveled edges and have a hollow on the bottom to make the most of it. Then you'll have longer and flatter trajectories.
You'd have to carry not only more ammo, but batteries to keep the thing running.
Also the lower the batteries get, the less velocity you'd get out of it and a drop in rate of fire.
Just got the same email, pretty expensive considering that’s US dollars….could buy a real gun for that price
This is the future!

Just like electric cars. the first few generations were silly expensive and had lots of bugs that needed to get worked out.

In 5-10 yrs ill totally get a couple of these!

I really like the idea of a standard size external battery.

As for banning them, the firearms laws are so messed up it will take them years to figure out how to classify it. By then the 3D instructions will be out and it wont matter.... and how would one of these, full auto be classified???

Eventually gunpower will be hard to get, but ill still have a cordless drill.
If it can fire a lethal single shot on small game inside 50 yards I'd be interested for sure.
otherwise it is a pretty cool novelty item and if it can be done on that scale it could most certainly be improved to be more powerful and more accurate through projectile engineering and an external battery pack capable of being charged in a variety of ways including portable solar charging.
As a new and novel product I don't think the price is too out of line and I would expect to see the prices start to come down as more of these types of "guns" come to market.
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