Scored an FX9 - they're back in stock!!!

Definitely a case of ya snooze ya lose. I saw the notification on my phone that these came into stock. I was on the road and would be home in 15 minutes when I would put in my order. Got home, logged into my computer with credit card in hand. Sold out. DOH!

Congrats to all those who managed to snag one.

Definitely a case of if you see it available, grab it while you can. Another site sponsor had a bunch come in recently and all of those sold out in under 40 minutes...

I will need to figure out how to use my phone to order stuff from hereon in...
Looks like more até been added to EE with a 50% profit rate soon!!! Was just me or you guys noticed lots of FX9 popping up on EE in a hurry to me sold before dealers start receiving the new shipments? Just wait a little bit and get the right price, 2k+ for an used carbine that costs 1.3K? Just not for me but I know some people are eager to get one at any cost!
What stores will be getting these soon? I have been keeping my eyes out but theyre always out of stock

I just thought I'd call Wolverine now and I spoke with a gentleman there about these.

He believes they were only shipped to Select Shooting and FOC. The stock they received in the recently shipment went out at the same time to the retailers (again he believes it was only those two) - he said they don't expect to get any until the new year, if that.

EDIT - I looked around and not sure he is correct - looks like Bullseye North is expecting some in.

May be good to just keep an eye on your preferred store...
What's so special about the fx-9?

Aside from the fact that it is on an ever-shortening list of NR modern semi-autos....nothing really. The sting of losing my AR style rifle is still too fresh. Remember, with a stroke of Trudeau's crayon this one too could go prohib. Glad I cancelled my Scorpion order 2 years ago, cut my losses a bit.
What's so special about the fx-9?

Lots of AR15 cross compatible parts.
Excellent build quality for the price.
Last round bolt hold open.

Aside from the APC9 it is the best 9mm PCC I have shot and I have been lucky enough to try most of the ones available to us (excluding the vector).
I sold my fx9 and kept the ruger PC.
Although I did make some money on the fx9 I prefer the takedown of the ruger.

I had the triggertech fx9 trigger, magpul stock, Oversized triggerguard, antiwalk pins etc. Still sold it for 2100 I wasn't going to argue. Broke even on it and the other fella was happy.
Looks like more até been added to EE with a 50% profit rate soon!!! Was just me or you guys noticed lots of FX9 popping up on EE in a hurry to me sold before dealers start receiving the new shipments? Just wait a little bit and get the right price, 2k+ for an used carbine that costs 1.3K? Just not for me but I know some people are eager to get one at any cost!

Getting real tired of these Gougers. I have been growing my Ignore list. A bit of profit, is ok, but intentionally price hiking, on items that we all know what was paid a week ago. These way too high prices ' is just pure douchebaggery.
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