Is my Stag 10 upper and lower a paper weight?

Are we there yet?

History and the ideas of the brave men I quoted tells us what the solution is.

Their solution was to start a new country while subjugating the people who lived there first. Thats not exactly an acceptable course of action these days...?

In case you haven't noticed, just going and taking "new" land because you don't like the people in charge where you are now isn't exactly an option anymore.
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That is a distorted Liberal view bursting at the seams with virtue signal.

Starting a new country is not how you preserve Liberty. Simply taking (actually conquered + signed treaties but Liberals like to re-write history) land and subjugating people lacking technology and immunity to diseases is not how you defeat tyranny.

It's not uncommon these days to see Westerners painting the founding fathers of America as bad men in order to discredit their ideas of freedom and how to preserve it. They think rest of the world was peaceful and never invaded or took advantage of another tribe's weakness.

The people in charge in Canada are actual tyrants. Downplaying their actions and pretending they're a minor inconvenience will only nurture tyranny and help it grow.

Benny, I'm not disagreeing with you, but there's a lot of talk and a whole lot more non-action.

I'd like to think that everyone is aware of how bad the situation is, especially in this community given how subjugated to BS we all are, but spouting off about tyranny and freedom in an online forum is just adding to the echo chamber that we're currently in. Bordering on the worn out "Mike from Canmore" bit, even.

To be crystal clear, I am not saying go out and do something about it, but the efforts could really be more useful doing something other than this. What that is, I don't know for sure, that's subjective. I am sure, however, that we can do better than this. Especially the one guy who contributed so eloquently to this thread by merely mentioning Solzhenitsyn and refusing to elaborate. Real Chad move, there.

Oh, and free the Stags.
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