ATRS legal action update Nov 4 2021

Just a few more days to 4 years of the OIC, the legal limbo, and me per-ordering that receiver set.

I have been on 2 deployments, and 20 countries around the world since then.
4 years is enough to have joined the military and finish your contract and leave.

This may sound like a hyperbole, but I'm surprised I'm still alive and waiting.
Just a few more days to 4 years of the OIC, the legal limbo, and me per-ordering that receiver set.

I have been on 2 deployments, and 20 countries around the world since then.
4 years is enough to have joined the military and finish your contract and leave.

This may sound like a hyperbole, but I'm surprised I'm still alive and waiting.

Did you go to church and pray for patience? That must be it, can't be the government.....hari, hari, Krishna..
this has turned into a insane amount of time. all of us keeping our guns safely stored waiting for a decision to be made. its all just a tactic to keep law abiding citizens from using and enjoying our firearms.
All of these are excellent questions, and I will ask Rick and Ed to put together what answers they are able to provide. I am curious as well.
Shaun, Anything you can share?
P.S. the M40A5ish project you guys built for me is THE BEST gun ever...
Shaun, Anything you can share?
P.S. the M40A5ish project you guys built for me is THE BEST gun ever...
It was already answered in a more appropriate thread, as Rankuwa mentioned. Here's the response.

ATRS Response: No news currently.

My own personal opinion and not reflective of the opinion of my employer:

I'm not entirely convinced that's a bad thing... Given how punitive and vindictive the courts were against the CCFR/NFA/Hipwell case... Reading the decision stating that the RCMP do not owe firearm owners any procedural fairness, and the gooberment does not owe gun owners any procedural fairness... Doesn't really inspire confidence in the judiciary. And I think we have the same Judge if I'm not mistaken...

If the media was bought for 600 million... wonder how much it cost the Libs to buy the courts. Looks like it only took a handful of strategic appointments over the decades.
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