Halloween Order


CGN Regular
My Halloween order arrived today, just wanted to say thank you for the targets and CATF.

Take care,
That’s a terrible situation and you have my sympathies. I feel I must point out however, that there really isn’t a “choice” of carriers anymore.

Thanks. We really are limited to the amount of carriers. When I was tracking the order, it appears that canpar didn't even try to deliver it to my location.
My order arrived safe and sound. Massive amounts of targets which my range just advised me I cant use there hahaahahahahah, also I looked and the ONE item I had actually wanted I apparently forgot to order. So I missed the discount and free shipping on the one item I wanted. Ahhhh early onset Alzheimer's. Regardless though I do hope can ammo can pull through and be the amazing company we all remember them to be. Cheers
Some products, maybe short O/U's again, 1911's, dominion arms stuff, high power copies, t97's, ruger pc's, ammo deals, etc etc, along the lines of some of the really successful online gunshops currently doing business in this market
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