Free Shipping is no longer viable

As they say , all good things come to an end . Free shipping is great , but all businesses have to do what they have to do to stay afloat . Best of luck as the firearm business is a rough go at the best of times ; and the instability created by the Trudeau Liberal government with never ending firearm laws certainly isn't helping .
I tell you a secret: "free" shipping is never free. its either built in the price of the items or billed extra.

People can buy an $800 gun and pay $50 for shipping or they can buy the same gun for $850 with free shipping.

Zero class right there.
Somehow this thread turned into an argument about something completely off topic, like most threads :rolleyes:

Anyways anywhoos yeah so that free shipping eh? sucks....BUT it is what it is.. We had rate adjustments months ago and this is something that we have been sitting on for some time, it is simply not possible to continue.
Somehow this thread turned into an argument about something completely off topic, like most threads :rolleyes:

Anyways anywhoos yeah so that free shipping eh? sucks....BUT it is what it is.. We had rate adjustments months ago and this is something that we have been sitting on for some time, it is simply not possible to continue.

You guys are one of the best companies I've ever dealt with your sales department is top-notch y'all found what I was after and if you couldn't find it you suggested something I apologize if I went off on any tangents, but you guys rock
Canada post has an unsustainable model but yet here we are trying to sustain it. It's sad we can't push back

A lot of gunshops in rural areas who can take advantage of lower real estate costs and lower labour costs are somewhat subsidized in shipping cost within the Canada Post system, because it is in their mandate to serve the entire Canada. Yes, they probably make more money in urban routes but they most likely loose money when deliver something to more remote areas.

Your favourite retailing gun shops in rural areas will see sky rocketing shipping costs to consumers if rate is based on the true cost +
Ya shipping firearms is crazy expensive now cost me like 80 bucks to ship a savage model 24 from Ontario to British Columbia and that’s with venture one discount card
Having shipped a few items recently agreed the costs are out to lunch. I almost refuse to ship items now its not worth the hassle. Costs get passed into the buyer which erodes the incentive to buy. Buckle up its going to get worse.
A lot of gunshops in rural areas who can take advantage of lower real estate costs and lower labour costs are somewhat subsidized in shipping cost within the Canada Post system, because it is in their mandate to serve the entire Canada. Yes, they probably make more money in urban routes but they most likely loose money when deliver something to more remote areas.

Your favourite retailing gun shops in rural areas will see sky rocketing shipping costs to consumers if rate is based on the true cost +

incredibly valid points.

What i would love is some kind of audit to see how to improve service without raising costs. There is always something that can be changed within instead of raising rates. It wouldnt be such a big deal right now if this is the only time they have been doing it, but its been happening for years.

When it comes down to it shipping is rarely the deal breaker for me.
Who opts for shipping, everyone knows the best way to shop at wolverines is in person, how else are you going to see all of that nice prohib collection they have on display otherwise ?
sadly there are still many smooth brained people who believe there is such thing as free shipping and free healthcare ...

Any reasonably intelligent person should understand that you are not a gun welfare organization that hands guns out at cost to deserving citizens ...

In the end if someone only looks at cost when buying guns (and I DONT recommend that) the total matters regardless if shipping was "free" or not.

Free shipping is essentially just word play

I wish we had gun welfare orgs that handed out guns to deserving citizens. That sounds awesome!

But yeah Wolverine, you do what you gotta to stay viable. You're one of the good ones!
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