Black Friday is now over...... I want your thoughts.

Have never bought any gun related stuff on Black Friday sales, BUT.....Canadian Tire has Smoking Good deals on tools, welders, pots, pans ect
some stuff %50 OFF
I spend BIG !!!
As an former owner of a Sears Dealer Store, I share your sentiment 100% People get silly this time of year and this covid crap has just added to that stress.
I'm at the point in my firearms ownership where everything I want is at the upper price bracket where If you have to expect a discount you probably shouldn't be buying it or its a very specific niche item that isn't likely to go on sale. Combined with the fact coof has slowed the incoming financials, so. I am really now only interested in higher end kit. The higher end stuff isn't on sale nor do I expect it to be. However your sale was very tempting, but I needed a new washer.
I buy ammo when on sale at Cabela's with free shipping. I bought 1000 rounds of Barnual 7.62x39 at 10 bucks a box shipped for free.

I also like buying from Onatrio or AB to save an additonal 7% just on taxes. Here in MB the taxes are 7% pst.

Yeah, yeah, I'm the scum of the earth for doing this.
The 'fun' of crazy deals had already pre-evaporated and my expectations of all retailers was low. Due mainly to supply disruptions, shortages, etc a consumer simply can't expect much anymore. I don't blame the retailer at all. Not one bit. It's just the cards that have been dealt. Nice to see an effort was made by many but honestly, as a consumer I didn't expect a whole lot.
I first heard of Black Friday when I was living in the USA 20 years ago. I heard the stories, saw the news footage, and never, ever went anywhere near a mall on the designated day.

Then I came back to Canada and have become dismayed as the concept has steadily crept into our market.

I have never bought anything at Black Friday sale, either in person or online. If Bieber "music", McDonalds "food" and socialist policies have taught me anything, it's that anything popular with the masses is best avoided.
This would be a good reddit question. That way you would get ranked results to your question, then knowing what is most desirable to your target audience. I am in no way affiliated with reddit btw, haha.
I found a good .308 bolt action for roughly 30% off and it made me happy. I wouldn’t go out into retail on the day though. It’s too crazy and not worth it. I was able to purchase online.
Clean up was done on this thread.....




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I have a wish list and during Black Friday I try to make myself happy (one way or another). I shop around and balance my purchases against my children’s college fund or my retirement savings. I usually walk away with something and then celebrate with my wife, yelling until my ears bleed. Sure she throws some things at me and they break/dent; but hey! it’s Black Friday and I can repurchase those things on sale. This has now become a tradition and I am not one to disappoint another’s expectations. It’s such a wonderful time of year!
As a consumer, black Friday is a good time to get those "wants" at a lower price, when we know we don't actually need them.

I will admit, I never seen wolverines black Friday sales
But for instance, I find myself looking at Cabela's flyer, and be tempted by .22 lr ammo. I don't need any, but it could be fun. Maybe when I get more time to relax, I might go plinking. Then reality sets in, my 6 year old will want to try, it's too cold out, I haven't prepped for winter, and Christmas is around the corner, and I'd have to drive 30 minutes to save 12$ on bulk .22 ammo that I already have.

Other examples were personal propane heaters, cheap red dots, 7.62x51, shotgun shells, etc.

Only ONCE did I wait a couple months for a sale, and it didn't disappoint. As a new RPAL holder, I waited, and got a dominion arms grizzly 12 gauge, a dominion arms 1911 clone, 500 rounds of 45acp ammo, and a gun case for UNDER 500$ shipped.

Today, ammo alone is 300$.

I also tend to agree, the last 2 years have made for many bad days. Personally, I ordered a kids snowmobile in March, put down payment, and was guaranteed delivery before snow falls. I got a call 3 weeks before Christmas, the snowmobile order is being cancelled due to parts shortage.

I'm not upset about things out of their control, but I'm mighty pissed they waited for 8 months on my 500$, and never reached out to me. I had to call them.

So yeah, on that day, anyone I came I to contact with may have sensed I was pissed at the world.

Pretty sure I didn't disrespect anyone though.
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