Black Friday is now over...... I want your thoughts.

I didn't buy anything other than one item for Black Friday: it was sitting in my online cart for months to see if there would be stock if it went on sale (not a shooting related item). I was able to use a coupon during the sale too and got it 70% off. Probably would have spent absolutely zero otherwise.

Echoing what others said: for shooting related stuff all of the sales I looked at online meant the list price from 18 months ago.

Also, most of the sale prices online and other local places (if they had stock) according to friends and family were list price from 12 months ago. Like they jacked the price up to put it on sale, as the old preconception goes. Likely covid pricing marked down.

I didn't go out to anywhere local to catch any of the sales because I knew how it would be, which was affirmed by those that I know that did: complete s#!t show. "Karen" types abusing the poor retail workers for doing their best, of which was not "the customer is an always right god" enough for the customer. Disputes over mask wearing, again, abusing the poor workers who have zero say as if the worker could get Corporate to change things. Security on high alert because of those 'flash mob robberies' happening in the USA, so more people abusing employees who had zero decision making over it. People pushing and shoving, cousin had someone ram them in the heels with a shopping cart a dozen times in the checkout lane because the store staff were not working fast enough (and had to apologize and back down from a fight when he tried defending the store staff). Just that, lots of 'entitled' people being inhumane.

What do you expect from firearms retailers on Black Friday?

When it comes to firearms and accessories, as well as hunting sporting goods, I think differently. I see four places that would be great:

1.) Try and get those that set Manufacturer Minimum Pricing to come on board for the sale. Sometimes I see the 'big box store' get them on board for Black Friday / Cyber Monday (BF/CM) when the 'mom & pop LGS' doesn't.

2.) I would like to see the free shipping, the minimum needed to be spent before getting the normal free shipping, lowered for a BF/CM sale. If it is normally $400 for free ship make it $150 for free ship, or if it is a flat $25 shipping fee make it $5 flat fee. Sometimes I don't buy more because the $60 of small springs and bits is more expensive with shipping included than to go to the online or big box store (an extra $20 to ship is still +33% of a $60 order).

3.) Discounted or free shipping for ammo with purchase of the applicable firearm. You buy a 9mm handgun get free shipping on any 9mm ammo you buy at the same time.

4.) Have product sets like a free extra magazine with that rifle (specifically the ones with the flimsy plastic ones easy to lose but cost $60), free trigger upgrade on that shotgun, free targets with that handgun. All stuff that once you add it to your cart you can select the free item at check out. Also, maybe pair up some "must haves" for a deal, an example being buy a rifle and scope you get free mounts and mounting of the scope (delayed shipping of course).

Most of what you see, most of what I think of, is how can I get the same thing to me for the same cost as driving to my LGS or local big box outdoors store... or how do I get what I want with the main purchase for a lower price.

... just my opinions though.
Ever since 2019 Black Friday/Cyber Monday ended, it just hasn't been the same in the firearms industry. There used to be HOT deals on ammo (20-30% off) around that time of the year (when a box of 9mm went for $13 reg price), in which I would stock up heavily, giving me no reason to buy at regular price throughout the year. Even optics (20-50% off) and guns (20% off) there were good deals. Now since the big shift in 2020 with the mass influx of new gun owners, regulations and politics, the prices of everything gun related has gone up 50%+. I haven't even bought any ammo since May 2020 because I've had to be more conservative with my range time given the spike in ammo prices.

I really feel for firearm retailers these days. I feel bad even asking to price match because of the struggle my local dealers are going through just to keep their head above water with Trudeaus bullcrap agenda.
So I'll be honest, hunting season all the way through winter is basically my favourite time of year. BUT, Black Friday and Christmas are my least favourite things about this time and I'll tell ya why.

My view coming from the side of things as someone whom works within retail, be it firearms or anything else is a little more shall we say blunt. It is one of the most toxic times of the year, and without going into details some interactions can be outright preposterous for no reason..... Not all mind you, we have some we speak to daily, weekly, monthly, old and new alike we have some pretty amazing customers. But this time of year brings out the worst in some.

My view as a regular guy looking to buy something cheap....I don't. I rarely buy things I don't need I'm a simple living style of person. Pretty sure the last thing I bought ( that wasn't some silly cheap $100.00 gun that comes through the door ) was a TV 4x years ago because ours finally died.. I don't really sale shop, if I need something I buy it.

Sometimes something comes up and I'm like, "dang, that's a good deal...." and I'll buy something. But I don't actively shop for deals on things I don't need. Anyways those are my views...

For anyone who was looking around this past week, what did you think?

Were sales up to your "standards"?

What do you expect from firearms retailers on Black Friday?

I am not going to go into the intricacies of working within the realm of the firearms industry, but let me tell you it is like no other. Don't get me wrong either this is not some "whah whah whining thread" I am genuinely curious as to what people's expectations are here.

Electronics, clothing, and other more "heavily-consumed" items are not even close to the same as firearms. Margins, deliveries, distributors, everything is totally different so trying to compare it may turn out to be very disappointing.

Let me know I would like to hear it.. And please keep in mind, this isn't strictly about Wolverine's sales or promotions. I am asking you a general question about the entirety of the Black Friday week you have just experienced within the firearms industry.

I find that most of the time the last few years black friday deals don't even seem like deals. It seems like companies jack prices up then drop them in an attempt to make things look cheap. Or prices on firearms and ammo have gotten so high the last couple years they still don't even look like a deal on these supposed black friday sales.

In terms of firearms related stuff, I saw some 10/22s that were a half decent price. But then they are a half decent price (the same price as black friday) a few times a year.

I found one large national retailer that had some 22lr ammo for a very good price (6c / round) so I bought enough to get the free shipping. For the most part things don't seem like deals anymore than during any other supposed sale.
I wanna change my answer. People like this entitled guy is why I hate Black Friday.

How am I entitled? If a retailer can offer free shipping they should offer it on everything.

I've been buying my bulk ammo from Go Tenda. Their prices aren't really any better than other places but they offer free shipping, saving me around $30 a case.

Discounts don't really mean anything if the cost with shipping is still higher than the regular Tenda cost.
There were some decent deals around but I didn't get anything. Money has been pretty tight for me the last 18 months. I'm in the process of changing careers so hopefully I'll be able to resupply soon as am getting low on some calibers.
Missed out on a deal from another retailer and wanted to buy a case of ammo from wolverine supplies but the shipping killed the deal even with the 10% off.
...My view as a regular guy looking to buy something cheap....I don't. I rarely buy things I don't need I'm a simple living style of person. Pretty sure the last thing I bought ( that wasn't some silly cheap $100.00 gun that comes through the door ) was a TV 4x years ago because ours finally died.. I don't really sale shop, if I need something I buy it.

Sometimes something comes up and I'm like, "dang, that's a good deal...." and I'll buy something. But I don't actively shop for deals on things I don't need. Anyways those are my views...

I'm not the type to shop, if its something I was in the market for, I'll go buy it. If it's near an upcoming sale such as Black Friday, I may wait to see if there are any savings to be had with a Black Friday sale. I'm always looking and if I find a price (anytime of the year) on something that to me is just too good to pass up, I sometimes make that purchase.

Retailers (not just gun related) selling an item for 249 all year then on black friday selling the same item for 289 "on sale" from 329 is the kind of things that make me not trust retailers. I take even less trust when that item actuall goes to 329 until boxing day it goes "on sale" again for 289. I just expect retailers to not play me for a fool

I find one retailer on this site follows such a practice. I won't mention names. Bu those who follow pricing of items, already knows who this retailer is and knows their game come "sale" time. With Black Friday sales, I am generally more aware of regular & sale pricing to know if such a practice appears to be in play.

Personally, since the OiC, I'm less drawn to purchasing anything. The loss of the black rifles and all that came with it has been replaced by cheap $100 shotguns & the like. There's a whole lot less that I consider buying, sorry but its boring stuff (sometimes crap). I do what I can (financially) to support all fronts defending against our governments attack on us & the firearms industry, trying to remain positive that legal challenges will be won and this madness stopped.

Overall, I don't know how any firearms retailers stay in business and more so in good health considering the current times. Difficulty accessing product, costs rising at insurmountable levels and our current federal governments unrelenting attack on firearms owners & industry.
Black Friday always catches me by surprise. Went to the range yesterday. Needed targets, another set of hearing protection and just some ammo. All of which was on sale great bonus. So, I hear ya in the regard of I buy what I need at that time. Unless its a smoking deal when I am browsing and its in preview then certainly I will pull the trigger. My last INTENDED black friday deal was many years ago and really anticipated I picked up a 1-4x LPVO, ammo and some magazines.

Thats my 2 cents. Also, people do suck from time to time.
I don't specifically chase black Friday sales but I do try to only buy what I am after when it's on sale.

I did call my local firearms/ hunting store and asked them if they had any black Friday sales...the response was simply "no". And I respect that.

I did get a higher end duck call and goose call that I have been eyeing for awhile. A good deal and free shipping.

One thing that has changed for me over the last few years however, is I do not buy anything online anymore that doesn't come with free shipping. I do not demand huge discounts on products but paying for shipping is a deal breaker.
As far as Black Friday sales go, if there’s something I’m looking to buy around that time of year I will definitely hold off till I see what stores offer on Black Friday.

If the item I wanted goes on sale, I buy it. If it didn’t make the cut for a sale (as can be the norm with some firearm makes), I shrug and buy it at whatever retail price there is. Not sure if this helps, just how I operate.
I'm also mainly buying what I want when I want it.

However I did visit the Wolverine site to check on a Burris scope they have listed hoping for a small discount but it was just regular price.

So I held off since I already bought a used rifle this week and will wait if Christmas brings a discount or not :)

Glad I have most bases covered in the gun department and a good stock of reloading components so most items are now in the "want" category instead of the "need".
I only buy things on sale, this year was kinda less interesting than average, but likely due to the smaller selection ala the turd in chief.
It's just another day for me switched to a Koodo flip phone a couple months ago cause I no longer liked how my iPhone SE was taking a grip on my life filling me with distractions etc through addictive applications/social media even though people can't live without it. Not too long ago we did live without it and we survived.

I may purchase a new rifle next year (Weatherby Mark V) after I sell some used one's to muster up the funds.
We have come a consumption driven society whose happiness is derived from how much and how often we can consume. People now spend so much time on line that they struggle to communicate face to face with people. I had that conversation with my son regarding his talk while playing with strangers online. if you talk that way to people online it will be come a habit that will spill into your life when your out in public and when it happens you are going to be throat punched.... and I will laugh.
We have come a consumption driven society whose happiness is derived from how much and how often we can consume. People now spend so much time on line that they struggle to communicate face to face with people. I had that conversation with my son regarding his talk while playing with strangers online. if you talk that way to people online it will be come a habit that will spill into your life when your out in public and when it happens you are going to be throat punched.... and I will laugh.

When people depend too much on their phones your going to lose your ability to think it will be known as digital dementia in the years to come. Back in the day all we did was interact with people face to face, while playing outside heck give me a couple grape crates and I will make a goalie blocker using an old glove and some sponges. You build critical thinking/planning skills - today youth are not.
I usually just buy what I want, when I need it. The issue in Canada is that almost anything I want is not available, or sells out in a few hours (or minutes). I'm always very surprised when what I want goes on sale, at any time of the year.
I bought a gun after humming and hawwing over it on other past sales and decided not to miss it this time.

I'd have bought more things this year but budget issues lol
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