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Thread: Black Friday is now over...... I want your thoughts.

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    I see black Friday and holiday sales alike in two ways.

    On the consumer side, I see it as a way for someone who wasn't quite ready to pull the trigger on an item to buy it, as it most likely discounted. This can be good in numerous ways; if it's a firearm purchase (especially a first time purchase) , well then that's another firearm in a responsible owners hand. Secondly, money for most is tough to come by. Who doesn't like to save some money? As for buying unnecessary items, well that's the consumers problem. I'm hoping retails still make money on every purchase, by no means should someone expect to pay less than cost no matter how good the deal is.

    For the retailers? Well this can be tricky. With sales constantly happening, regardless of black Friday or not, that dilutes the value of a regular retail priced item. Why would anyone want to pay full price for an item when they know if they wait a month that item will be significantly less. This puts retailers in a tough spot, as they won't get sales unless that item is absolutely necessary, or the customer is impatient and want the item now. We live in an age where there is so much competition, the only way retailers (especially online) can get any attention is to run sales. If one retailer runs sales, well guess what, that forces the others to as well or else they won't get any business. I take it that's why MAP pricing exists. If a consumer knows that item will never go on sale, or the price is what it is, then of course they'll buy it at any given time.

    That's just my take on it. As for me, I rarely buy anything at full retail price anymore as I know a sale or coupon code is right around the corner.

  2. #22
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer StoneHorse's Avatar
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    I'm a very poor consumer in that I never bought into the hype around boxing day, black Friday, cyber Monday or any other holiday sale(s). There is one company that has a Christmas in July sale, WTF? I purchase what I need/want at anytime of the year. But I do shop around for the best price online. I try to by local first, town, regional, provincial then other provinces in that order. This goes for everything, not just firearm related goods. The internet has changed the way I shop. I really don't care about "sales" and I don't buy something just because it's "on sale". If I want it and I'm okay with the price, then I will buy it.
    Defund the Liberal propaganda ministry, AKA the CBC.
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  3. #23
    Join Date
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    way ahead of you
    When I think of black Friday I think of those videos of the mobs of citiots trampling each other to death over tvs and sneakers. Just on principle I don't want to be a part of it.

    Just my 0.02.

  4. #24
    CGN frequent flyer Tudenom's Avatar
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    I’m betting that demographically the “Black Friday” sales thing is mostly a ladies thing. Generally, men don’t seem to like shopping around as much and I wonder if male dominated high testosterone type goods see much of an uptick in sales?

    Also, I’m curious if 5-10% discounts draws in the type of shopper who’s rude and demanding?

    I mean, when something I want at Canadian Tire is on sale for %40 off then I’m likely to bite. If I’ve decided to buy something then I might go to the place where the product is 15% off to beat the taxes.
    The old sheriff was attending an awards dinner when a lady commented on his wearing his sidearm. 'Sheriff, I see you have your pistol. Are you expecting trouble?' 'No Ma'am. If I were expecting trouble, I would have brought my shotgun.'

  5. #25
    CGN Regular
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    I am constantly on the lookout for deals and the best ones seem to rarely be when you would expect them. It seems there is always a lost leader black friday deal or two, but it’s rare now that deals are like they used to be. Shoppers have become very savvy to online price checking and expect deals. I think it has become a tougher market for retailers as margins have tightened thanks to big box stores and big corporations setting the pace that others have to try and keep up with. It’s the slow death of smaller retailers and the big names setting pricing, sadly it seems to be nothing but bad news.

  6. #26
    CGN Regular Cross94's Avatar
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    I think, in general, firearms business are at a very pronounced disadvantage competing with stores selling other less regulated things. Between gun/accessory manufacturers setting inflexible prices, all of the associated costs dealing with firearms in Canada, supply and demand, etc etc... it's hard for the consumer to get a genuinely good deal without the business blatantly losing money. Big box stores can eat the costs of a super discounted television, not much so for the smaller-scale retailer selling .223 black rifles to a much, much smaller and heavily controlled market.

    That being said, it's nice to have some form of incentive during a time where nearly everything else is on sale. In the past I've seen shops offering a 20% discount on optics or accessories with the purchase of a full-price firearm, or other stores doing "no PST/HST" and the sort. I myself prefer these types of sales that can apply to everything in the store as opposed to the "50% off this one specific thing nobody would otherwise be interested in" that a lot of places seem to be going for. As for what I was looking for this year, a new .223 rifle and a "medium-tier" optic. Found a decent deal on the rifle, didn't have such luck finding the scope I wanted.

  7. #27
    CGN frequent flyer
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    If it's discounted deep enough I'll justify the spend but I'm pretty cheap so It needs to be beating out another vendors regular sales that hover in the 10-15% range regularly. I bought a handguard and considered buying a weaponlight - both discounted from above $200 > $150. The handguard is funded by selling the old one so upgrade for a small cost. The weapon light probably wont happen as it's just an extra for a spare upper.

    I usually buy from you guys when it's something I want - rarely at sale time. And the experience is always excellent.
    The right to buy weapons is the right to be free.
    Bureaucracy not an instrument of democratic government but, on the contrary, the worst enemy of freedom and democracy.
    If the penalty for a crime is a fine, then that law only applies to the poor.

  8. #28
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer jparent's Avatar
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    Takes A LOT more hunting around to find "deals" these days. I did manage to save several hundred dollars on what i was looking for by waiting for BF. Biggest disappointment was (as it has been for the entire year) lack of stock... i could have easily spent a couple thousand more... but there is nothing to buy (at least that i want).
    Looking down the barrel, of 1984...
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    It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards. - Claire Wolfe

  9. #29
    GunNutz maifire's Avatar
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    I will stays where I'm at 'til you knows where I'm to
    I have not found that Black Friday sales are great in this industry. I believe that to be because the costs are high and the margins are low. Throw that on top of the uncertain resupply and government trivia. I think the almost weekly promotions that various retailers offer are enough for me and my wallet. I buy when in need now, though it was not like that before.
    As an aside, shipping has left me sitting on my wallet a lot. I mean a lot. C'est la vie.
    Do it right THIS time, you may not get a NEXT time.
    "If you can read this, thank a teacher. If it is in English, thank a veteran."

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    I boycott black friday

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