Social Medias and You - I want your Opinion

What Social Media Platforms do you use?

  • CGN

    Votes: 601 76.7%
  • Facebook

    Votes: 295 37.6%
  • Snapchat

    Votes: 78 9.9%
  • Instagram

    Votes: 242 30.9%
  • Reddit

    Votes: 159 20.3%
  • Twitter

    Votes: 76 9.7%
  • Pintrest

    Votes: 23 2.9%
  • Mewe

    Votes: 9 1.1%
  • Other Firearms Related Forums

    Votes: 137 17.5%

    Votes: 140 17.9%

  • Total voters
instagram for the occasional pretty picture. Reddit for entertainment. Facebook for the marketplace and a few groups that are only active on Facebook. Other than Reddit most are sporadic at best - I have better things to do with my time than listen to someone who barely finished their GED pretend they’re an expert or people acting like #######s and pretending they owned the libs or cons or whatever the #### they’re on about that day.
CGN and REDDIT, can't be bothered with any true social media sites. FB is absolutely useless now and the rest I haven't bothered to even try.
If this is about pushing an availability list like I suggested on another thread (MCRs available, FX9 available, etc) and since so far the majority here say CGN and no others, I thought of an even simpler solution.

You can great a general in stock thread that is locked, along with locked in stock / out of stock threads for very popular firearms, like the MCR and FX9. The general thread can have more detail information, like new Magpul in stock, etc. The posts to specific threads would say somethin like "MCRs in Stock" or MCRS out of Stock". Customers interested in updates would use the option at the top of the each thread labeled "Thread Tool", select "Subscribe to this Thread", and then select "Instant Notification by Email". Only the Wolverine staff could update these locked threads. It would be up to each individual to diligently check their emails, or figure out how to do some kind of extra notification like a text when an email notification appears for a post for the firearm they wish to procure.

To give some context, someone was complaining they always missed when the MCRs are in stock, but Wolverine would rather not deal with the nightmare of pre-orders again. A notification gives people who aren't sitting on the site hitting refresh all day a chance to get their favorite firearm, but still puts the onus on them, and not Wolverine, to follow up. Anyways, good luck with whatever Wolverine decides!
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Most of the time, I use the social network Instagram. But recently started watching tick-tock, and I got the idea to start promoting my tick-tock account. To be honest, I didn't even know where to start, and so I approached a friend with this problem. We thought for a long time, and in the end, he advised me to read the blog, where I can learn a lot of necessary and valuable information for me. Thank you for your attention. Good luck, everyone.
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I still love CGN. Come here daily to check up. By the very nature of the firearms business and most of the worlds perception of firearms we will not get traction on most social media. Old style forums like CGN are probably the best place for us gunnies.

I do use Facebook for market place, catching up with old friends and automotive related stuff. Automotive hobby forums have basically been replaced by FB groups, which I’m not a fan of, but it is what it is. Which is sad really, there is 20+ years of info / projects / build logs on some forums that is eventually going to be lost. And my biggest pet peeve of social media groups is people asking the simplest questions that have been answered many many times in the past that could be answered with a simple search in the group or a google search.
Telegram is uncensored. Political dissidence and vulgar content are free to be admired. Tik Tok is run by the CCP, so don't give them a list for post invasion confiscation.
For my personal needs, I use Instagram and Facebook. For my business, Self-Starters website, I use Facebook and Linkedin to make short posts on e-learning and increase website traffic this way.
CGN for most of my firearm related information and talk.
Snapchat for friends and farm stuff.
Instagram to see dead animals and guns.
Facebook to see friends that live far away, but most importantly to know when the next Prairie Brutality match is.
I've been contacted by Facebook to help build their next-gen platform. I declined as I feel I would have a grim sense of purpose if I did.

While there are positive sides, I do as little social media as possible.

I could spend hours explaining how artificial intelligence algorithms on social media work, and how they make money but in the end, who am I to speak on the subject with authority?

The perverse effects are outlined by the inventors of social media themselves in Netflix's "Social Dilemma".

Trailer on youtube
I've been contacted by Facebook to help build their next-gen platform. I declined as I feel I would have a grim sense of purpose if I did.

While there are positive sides, I do as little social media as possible.

I could spend hours explaining how artificial intelligence algorithms on social media work, and how they make money but in the end, who am I to speak on the subject with authority?

The perverse effects are outlined by the inventors of social media themselves in Netflix's "Social Dilemma".

Trailer on youtube

Great share, thx!
This for gun stuff. I have Facebook but only use it to see what other people are talking about, ie politics, liberal stuff, cat videos, stupid $he@. I have a deep disdain for social media.
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