WS-MCR AK lower?

Going to guess, no, at least not anytime soon.

Any MCR currently, is almost immediately out of stock wherever they show up.
I'd guess they are more concerned about production of the standard models to make sure everyone and their grandma, grandpa, dog, cousins, and neighbours have one.

I'd love to see this too, but I don't think it's going to happen for quite awhile.
Wow! I missed that. Is it coming still or...?

Nope. Wolverine parted ways with Kodiak long ago, and neither has shown an interest in producing an AK magazine compatible lower. The for now availability of 10 round XCR pistol magazines makes creating a lower limited to five round AK magazines for purely aesthetic reasons unlikely.
Nope. Wolverine parted ways with Kodiak long ago, and neither has shown an interest in producing an AK magazine compatible lower. The for now availability of 10 round XCR pistol magazines makes creating a lower limited to five round AK magazines for purely aesthetic reasons unlikely.

Where's that 'dislike' button

Yeah i think you're right and there's no point..
There are several 180 platforms available now and aftermarket lowers, why not have the option?

Because theres way more demand for the vanilla MCR that theres no reason to retool and try a different lower. We just got a better ergonomic lower, and it also looks better, from several manufacturers and they are sold out everywhere. We won't see any large deviations from what the standard MCR is now until sales slow and their current production can be scaled back to include other magazines.
Well if they aren’t gonna do AK mags then you’d think there would at the very least be demand for a better looking mag well closer to the ar15 and every other modern stanag platform rather than the classic 180 backwards slope that looks goofy as heck.
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