Order in, one for me and one for my brother. Was going to get a folder but decided to go fixed, got a mount too because why not?

I was on the wall with whether I should get the fixed or folder. Then I realized you can't switch out the stock on the folder. Hence - I would expect that more fixed stock guns may be modified by their owners and the price of unmodified fixed stock guns might be higher in the future in comparison to the folders once all the shipments are done with. The fixed stock looks better than the folder as well :p
i ve shot the 3 versions and my favourite is the folder. the feeling is not the same as the vz/cz: you need to try one.
folder have been really stable on EE so far.
Welp… might as well start with the blubbering that’s bound to ensue.

“I just ordered my gun, where is my gun? I want it now! Why don’t I have it now? Why is it taking so long? You ordered your gun way after me and you have yours already??? I want it right now, now, NOW!!!”

*later that week*

“I finally got my gun after waiting for too damned long… I yelled at the young lady at the RPO this morning to get my gun RIGHT FRIGGEN NOW!!!” Oh… it’s sold out so I’m gunna post it on the EE now”
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Welp… might as well start with the blubbering that’s bound to ensue.

“I just ordered my gun, where is my gun? I want it now! Why don’t I have it now? Why is it taking so long? You ordered your gun way after me and you have yours already??? I want it right now, now, NOW!!!”

*later that week*

“I finally got my gun after waiting for too damned long… I yelled at the young lady at the RPO this morning to get my gun RIGHT FRIGGEN NOW!!!” Oh… it’s sold out so I’m gunna post it on the EE now”

so you will see some ads tomorrow when they will be sold out ...
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