Hello Mr.RancherBriggs

Cadex's customer service team would be happy to help and investigate your issue. There's a lot of factors that could influence the performance of your rifle and based on the info you aforementioned, the first step will be to start with a basic troubleshooting with our team. It is extremely rare that we produce a rifle that doesn't perform. It could happen I guess so we'll give it a close look but with our production process, 99.98% of the time it's another element of the equation that is at fault.

Please contact us ASAP at customerserice@cadexinc.com or 450-348-6774 so that we could take good care of you. I'll send you a PM with the same info.

Looking forward to help you understand what's going wrong Sir.
I did 5 shots and possibly pulled 2, but I don't feel like I did. Can't figure out how to insert my ballastic x image

If the issue is the shooter they could check that on the course but yes you wouldn't want to find out the issue is the rifle there. How did you shoot it (standing, prone, kneeling, seated)? Are you sure it's not a parallax issue?
If you show up to that course and your rifle isnt perfect. It doesnt matter. You take your scope off and re-level it in the first course. Also. The guys that teach level one, will be with you the whole way. If there is a problem it will be identified and fixed straight away.

You have nothing to worry about. Patrice from Cadex would tell you to retorque your action screws and start from there.
Personally think the weekend courses work for most people so they don't have to take work off. But you all got me excited thinking there was another sale on this course (great course fully recommend it).
For the high angle course stay in Rocky mountain house. For Hanna there is a BNB that I've stayed at a couple times (great and inexpensive).
Not sure where to post this, but did anyone sign up for the RFMA precision rifle level 1 August 18th 2023 course that was rescheduled but couldnt make it and never received their refund ?
Not sure where to post this, but did anyone sign up for the RFMA precision rifle level 1 August 18th 2023 course that was rescheduled but couldn't make it and never received their refund ?

Surely not has anything to do with Cadex, so I would suggest you contact RFMA directly.

Rob Furlong has been away from home most of the summer as has been providing training one after the other all summer. Add to this the KO2M organization about a week ago and he may be sitting on a pile of work. I'd say, give him a call and if he's on the range and can't pick-up the call, leave him a message and he'll get back to you ASAP.



Best regards
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