Black Rifle Coffee Company: Not available

Lol have you been living under a rock? Companies hire/fire based on their political beliefs and values all the time and there is no law explicitly prohibiting that.

People are free to vote for what they want and we're free to call them out for being grifters :) BRCC are nothing more than grifters looking to make a quick buck off of people who like guns by giving them the impression that they are pro 2A. What kind of pro-gun corporate social responsibility have they ever done? None. Look it up for yourself. Zero dollars in donations to any pro gun org or politician. They also disavowed Rittenhouse (who did nothing wrong) and that in and of itself is a reason to dislike them.

Even the Canadian branch of BRCC isnt pro gun. Before they took down their facebook page they couldn't even muster a symbolic post condemning the ban of the black rifles which they have literally built their brand upon. Did they donate to any of the legal challenges? Nope! Oh but if you're one of the cops who will one day seize are guns then you can get a free bag!

Ripping off conservative minded people is an age old tradition and one that BRCC has been doing a very good job of unfortunately.

This is really interesting... It's a perfect example of diabolical genius actually. Not that I mean that as a compliment. It's quite sinister really.

I bought some black rifle coffee during the holidays and I didn't like it. Too acidic for my taste. Aside from a couple scoops the package sits untouched for a rainy day.

Brings to mind the go fund me account for the trucker convoy in Ottawa. The govt blocked access to the 10 million dollars they raised and now want to cease the funds to pay for the cost of the interruption instead of giving the money back to those who donated it. Purely sinister thinking when they take money from the opposition and use it to expand the political over reach and oppression the convoy is fighting against.
This is really interesting... It's a perfect example of diabolical genius actually. Not that I mean that as a compliment. It's quite sinister really.

I bought some black rifle coffee during the holidays and I didn't like it. Too acidic for my taste. Aside from a couple scoops the package sits untouched for a rainy day.

Brings to mind the go fund me account for the trucker convoy in Ottawa. The govt blocked access to the 10 million dollars they raised and now want to cease the funds to pay for the cost of the interruption instead of giving the money back to those who donated it. Purely sinister thinking when they take money from the opposition and use it to expand the political over reach and oppression the convoy is fighting against.

Go fund me is a POS liberal owned company.
They screwed Kyle Rittenhouse and now they screwed the truckers, just like I knew they would.
Thank you!

I have sent off an email to them, and a few others. Hoping to have some great offerings for the community soon!

Check out the gents with Bolt Action Coffee. Canadian Vet owned and operated, true specialty coffee with ratings right on the bag. Precision rifle shooters/former snipers and most importantly, dam great coffee!!
Fair enough. I never wanted to rely on the stuff so I avoid drinking it. Everyone around me is a coffee head though. I'd rather put my $ towards shooting--those Starbucks or Tims visits add up.

Judging coffee based on starbucks or Tims is like judging all ski jumpers on Eddie the Eagle.

Good job on the alternates to BRCC Plainsight. I walked into a gun store the other day that had a tonne of this fakers coffee and almost walked right. Didn't buy anything.

You could do me a solid and pick up Stocking Mill Coffee - real vets who really do fantastic stuff for the (US) vet community. Then I wouldn't have to get raped by UPS when I want to order.
Judging coffee based on starbucks or Tims is like judging all ski jumpers on Eddie the Eagle.

Good job on the alternates to BRCC Plainsight. I walked into a gun store the other day that had a tonne of this fakers coffee and almost walked right. Didn't buy anything.

You could do me a solid and pick up Stocking Mill Coffee - real vets who really do fantastic stuff for the (US) vet community. Then I wouldn't have to get raped by UPS when I want to order.

To be fair , Eddie broke a 57 year old record for English jumpers and held the title for overall decade....not many ski jumpers can say that.

But for coffee. Tim's is gross.. as is Starbucks regular drip coffee.. rest is liquid sugar desserts.
You want small batch near sell date roasted beans.
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