Bren 807

Ian in the video you linked already stated that CZ isn't making them anymore and never offered a civilian semi auto. How's Wolverine supposed to import them?

Maybe he’s hoping that since they’re no longer in production, a copy could be made, suitable for the Canadian market, by WS?
far as i know the only brens that have an FRT entry are prohib. That would be a lot of risk to take on when the 180 platform is pulling in those sweet NR snow pesos.
far as i know the only brens that have an FRT entry are prohib. That would be a lot of risk to take on when the 180 platform is pulling in those sweet NR snow pesos.

The lowers needed a bit of tinkering (no different then the apc lowers did to male them NR) and those wk are no where near the caliber/quality (worth fo money) then any cz produced firearm
What is the question being asked to wolverine here? Not trying to be adversarial, just curious as I'd love a CZ rifle too.

Would the intention be to have them
imported? The video says that the specific 807 model rifle is no longer being made by CZ (and would probably need another frt even if it was available to purchase from CZ, and what in the hell are the chances the RCMP would even allow it after all this OIC non-sense) so importing from CZ isn't going to happen, especially if the 807 was full auto, so it would be a pain to work around it and make a new CZ made specific Canadian model and send it on for the half a decade it takes the RCMP to approve it.

If the intention isn't to import one, but to have a Canadian company produce a Canadian compliant variant of one, what are the chances they'll be interested in investing a lot of money on a new rifle platform that hasn't already been done on the scale of something like an AR-180? Not to mention, we can't expect this rifle to be the same quality as a CZ, especially with what we've seen of the wk-180c and ws mcr style rifles...

So, not trying to be a downer as I'd love a CZ 805/Bren style rifle, or the real deal itself, I just don't see how it would appear on the Canadian market if 1. CZ doesn't make it anymore 2. There was an frt entry for the Bren 2 and was approved restricted for a while, but for whatever reason we didn't hear from it since (maybe OIC, or RCMP changed their minds idk) 3. Don't see Canadian companies tooling up and investing in a new rifle platform that wasn't already made in the levels the 180b was and there's a good chance Trudeau can take it from them at a moment's notice, and since the 180c and ws mcr has some success already, a new rifle variant may not be worth it.
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You can really tell you never bothered to watch the video. Again, he says right in the video that they went out of production after a few years, and they were fully automatic, so even if they were converted to semi auto, they wouldn't be legal here because RCMP has a requirement that semi auto rifles not be easily converted to full auto, we don't really know what makes a gun easily convertible to them, but I can imagine a gun that was at one point actually full auto wouldn't fly, and again, in the video you didn't watch through, Ian says multiple times they already have the CZ Bren 2, the current iteration of the rifle, in both 5.56 and 7.62x39, and in civilian, semi auto only configurations, so it would make no sense for them to bring back the 807 when a civilian version of the Bren 2 exists in 7.62x39, especially for a country that has a very long process before of examining a firearm before giving it a classification, and will likely call it prohibited at the end of that process for the reasons I outlined, or absolute best case scenario, the gun is allowed for civilian purchase in Canada, only for the classification to be changed a year or two down the road anyways.
I’d sooner suggest we get working with Norinco to land us some QBZ-191 rifles

Oh.. the Springfield hellion bullpup
Yes please
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While nothing is impossible with enough time and money, this situation is seriously doubtful to ever occur.

Short version of the answer: It ain't happening.

Thx Wolverine. Atleast you knew what I was conveying......

Considering the upper is the registered part it doesn't matter that the lower is full auto or not as they make a semi only lower (allowed in Canada is yet to be seen tho) but rhat upper is what I wanted in a 18.6" canadian complaint configuration with semi auto only (obviously) lower, but people didn't have the same idea on what ibwas talking about......
Thx Wolverine. Atleast you knew what I was conveying......

Considering the upper is the registered part it doesn't matter that the lower is full auto or not as they make a semi only lower (allowed in Canada is yet to be seen tho) but rhat upper is what I wanted in a 18.6" canadian complaint configuration with semi auto only (obviously) lower, but people didn't have the same idea on what ibwas talking about......

Should have actually explained what you meant then. But even still, it wouldn't make sense to do this because the Bren 2 exists.
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