Modern Sporter

ATRS , if the former CFO put a stop order on the MS and you now have a new CFO,can you now ask for a review?
Maybe get a positive result and get some quality stuff back on the market?
ATRS , if the former CFO put a stop order on the MS and you now have a new CFO,can you now ask for a review?
Maybe get a positive result and get some quality stuff back on the market?

I'm also curious about this.
These comments are embarrassing. Never have a seen a group of "freedom loving" gun owners act like such raging p*ssys. Get yourself some legal defense insurance and enjoy shooting your legally owned property. The RCMP are betting that people will be too afraid of unlawful persecution to realize that the FRT IS NOT a lawful document and has absolutely no legal authority. Grow a pair of balls and quit asking permission from people that detest yourself and your values.

Fine print of all firearms legal insurance "if you break the law we won't cover you"

but you do you, post up here for advice when something happens too lol
ATRS , if the former CFO put a stop order on the MS and you now have a new CFO,can you now ask for a review?
Maybe get a positive result and get some quality stuff back on the market?

I believe we are way too far past the point where the new CFO can reverse the former CFOs decision. And to make major changes to our statement of claim, refile it and then re-serve all parties would be expensive and could jeopardize the case completely.
So if a judge asks why it was non restricted before may 2020 and the answer is, it’s not an AR 15 . Then asks why it’s prohibited now and answer is , it’s an AR15 variant.

How can any judge possibly find you guilty?
How would any Crown, even attempt to lay a charge?

There must be some sort of law that penalizes the crown , if they are just trying to cause you financial loss.

I wish that were the case however the government and their agents tend to operate with total impunity regardless if the destroy an innocent persons life.
Unless you are a convicted terrorist, then you become a multi millionaire.
FYI nothing is illegal unless it's law.

Opinion isn't law.

This isn't advice, I just hate how convinced people are that the RCMP just knows the truth and we should trust it. We deserve the right to ask questions and challenge their "decisions"
Hard to understand how so many people in this sport/hobby have zero clue on laws or what the frt is.
Anything on the oic is law unfortunately, but nothing named after the oic ( assuming it had a nonrestricted frt for 1 year + prior to the oic ) is just some idiots opinion, an opinion that can easily be proven to have zero merit
As Ian Runkle says, it'd be interesting (re: expensive) to find out in court just how "not law" the FRT is if the wrong officer stops you.

And if proven to be illegal in court you're on the hook because firearms defense insurance is a joke and won't cover you lol.
A bit of thread cleaning seemed in order as the thread was rapidly heading off the rails.

So why aren't you producing more Sporters etc? If it is not law, yet. I know its the legal advice given, I am curious why it was given. Does the lawyer feel that producing more firearms hurts your case? And if so, do you know why? I've been on and off the fence a lot about buying a second-hand one. I have a specific semi idea in mind, and I don't feel any of the other (non-prohib) brands have the quality or accuracy of your rifles. This leaves me shooting other rifles that I'm not suuuper into, to fill the gap in the meantime.
So why aren't you producing more Sporters etc? If it is not law, yet. I know its the legal advice given, I am curious why it was given. Does the lawyer feel that producing more firearms hurts your case? And if so, do you know why? I've been on and off the fence a lot about buying a second-hand one. I have a specific semi idea in mind, and I don't feel any of the other (non-prohib) brands have the quality or accuracy of your rifles. This leaves me shooting other rifles that I'm not suuuper into, to fill the gap in the meantime.

Believe me I am NOT happy about the situation, it has hurt our business more than most can possibly know. In a just world this would not happen, unfortunately Canada is no longer a country that has anything but a corrupt set of national police force forces.

The reason why we are not making/selling or shipping is the high probability that LE will close us down by force and arrest us all. This is something I REALLY wish to avoid.
Fighting a rogue regime from inside a jail cell is even more expensive and harder to partake in.
The day ATRS wins this, I buy my wife, my kids and myself a Modern Sporter. Keep up the good work, we know you can make it. Big love to the ATRS family.
This entire debacle is a steaming pile of horse manure. Luckily there are stand up folks out there doing their best to make a difference!

The amount of time, energy, blood, sweat and tears sacrificed by the team at ATRS is to be commended!

While I will not comment on the politics involved I whole heartedly believe that ATRS is on the right side of the law and that we will see positive change in the next couple of years as a result of their efforts.

For all of you in this fight, we salute you!
just modify the sporter so it doesn't mate with the current models name it something else and make more? as long as it doesn't tie to a current r or prohibited then it falls under nr. since you don't need to send it to the rcmp lab being domestic and non exportable. am I wrong? let me know.
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