New transfer rule

For the people who think these new regs are not so much of a problem, it maybe so for a private sale. Until today, when I sold one of my own firearms on the exchange, I always called Miramichi to verify the validity of his/her PAL. The only thing extra now is that I have to jot down a reference number.

BUT, here's where things get out of hand, I run a gunsmithing shop and yesterday I received a letter from the RCMP explaining my new obligations towards this new legislation. Imagine, a 24 hour heads up, that sucks? Until now, you brought a NR to my shop, I had to note your name, address and PAL, make, model and serial number of your gun in my CFO supplied registry book, when I received the gun and when it left my shop and if shipped, how and the tracking number. NOW, I also have to note caliber and barrel length, AND here's where it sucks big time, I have to waste time verifying the validity of the customer's PAL before handing the gun back, jot down the reference number AND keep all this info for twenty years.
Firearm Lending

Section 21 of the Firearms Act states: [ii]

For the purposes of sections 22 to 32, transfer means sell, barter or give.

Section 22 of the Firearms Act states:[iii]
A person may transfer or lend a firearm to an individual only if the person has no reason to believe that the individual

(a) has a mental illness that makes it desirable, in the interests of the safety of that individual or any other person, that the individual not possess a firearm; or

(b) is impaired by alcohol or a drug.

Lending is not considered a transfer by the Firearms Act, therefore a transfer reference number is not required under the new regulations.

Sort of funny how the Resetdemic backlog in courts across the country have seen Provincial Offence Prosecutors commonly offering a localized charitable donation option in lieu of a conviction for minor traffic and municipal parking infractions, it's just too damn much work having people disputing tickets now....that the courts in many places are still not hosting "in persona", aka flesh and blood in the actual bricks and mortar court room video links to go before the captain on some imaginary ship in the clouds. Anyone not critically seeing the political distraction band aid being offered by this seemingly innocuous pawn move must be sharing the voyage on the aforementioned metaphor. The whole thing is yet another page from the addendum of Royal Ascension extension 2.0 and is priming the pump further for the bigger UN Agenda of a global civilian populace without arms; again, think chess match or meander back and refresh oneself with the Magna Carta along with the incarnations of ever tightening control measures that HAVE followed. Our culture, globally now due to AI has reached it's apex, all cultures before ours have followed the same cyclic event patterns......we are so stupid.
Firearm Lending

Section 21 of the Firearms Act states: [ii]

For the purposes of sections 22 to 32, transfer means sell, barter or give.

Section 22 of the Firearms Act states:[iii]
A person may transfer or lend a firearm to an individual only if the person has no reason to believe that the individual

(a) has a mental illness that makes it desirable, in the interests of the safety of that individual or any other person, that the individual not possess a firearm; or

(b) is impaired by alcohol or a drug.

Lending is not considered a transfer by the Firearms Act, therefore a transfer reference number is not required under the new regulations.

Sort of funny how the Resetdemic backlog in courts across the country have seen Provincial Offence Prosecutors commonly offering a localized charitable donation option in lieu of a conviction for minor traffic and municipal parking infractions, it's just too damn much work having people disputing tickets now....that the courts in many places are still not hosting "in persona", aka flesh and blood in the actual bricks and mortar court room video links to go before the captain on some imaginary ship in the clouds. Anyone not critically seeing the political distraction band aid being offered by this seemingly innocuous pawn move must be sharing the voyage on the aforementioned metaphor. The whole thing is yet another page from the addendum of Royal Ascension extension 2.0 and is priming the pump further for the bigger UN Agenda of a global civilian populace without arms; again, think chess match or meander back and refresh oneself with the Magna Carta along with the incarnations of ever tightening control measures that HAVE followed. Our culture, globally now due to AI has reached it's apex, all cultures before ours have followed the same cyclic event patterns......we are so stupid.

world disarmement is just a liberal UN pipe dream,it will never happen for one simple reason,they could never find 90% of the firearms in private hands,they could never even dream of having the man power,and they sure couldn't count on military.95% of those people would turn against them,not to mention there's just to many guns in to many hands,it could turn ugly real fast,even if you stopped producing any guns tommorow,those existing guns will be around for 100 years and more,even in the most gun controled countries,there's still 1000's of unaccounted for guns,and crime is still the same as it always was,gun control is strictly a political idea,nothing more,and nothing ever gets better no matter what stupid laws they come up with,criminals will be criminals,guns are easier to make or obtain that ever before,3d printers,CNC milling machines,these things aren't exactly hard to make,if it really was a problem,they sure would know it by now,i guess it's not as big a problem as they make it out to be.
may be not on the individual gun level ... but on the sets level - pretty soon ... and when it will be enough to trace back for many (most probably not all) members of these sets (particular guns) ..
it's a growing net with more and more fills (density) in time running ...

this as a long (very long) play ...

let's see how long they can stay in power, cuz if not this is to be scrapped basically as item 1
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