In Stock Handguns at SFRC

Michael Loberg and Ed Berlew have both put in writing that all handgun transfers are seized immediately (as in right now today) by OIC. Is that not your understanding? I'm confused that's all....
Michael Loberg and Ed Berlew have both put in writing that all handgun transfers are seized immediately (as in right now today) by OIC. Is that not your understanding? I'm confused that's all....

We're still transferring them and they are accepting the transfers and giving us reference number. No OIC has been posted yet.
I dont want to be that guy, but your Cross Mags were $54.99 like 3 hours ago, now they're $57.99

What gives? :(

Fixed, thanks. There were two separate listings for them, each with a different product code. I just merged them into one listing.
Michael Loberg and Ed Berlew have both put in writing that all handgun transfers are seized immediately (as in right now today) by OIC. Is that not your understanding? I'm confused that's all....

I could very well be mistaken, but it way my understanding that the new announcement re: handguns was to be implemented by actual legislation, not by OIC. Therefore until the bill is passed it is still possible to purchase, sell, and transfer handguns.
What gun stores will do with their handgun inventory when they finally stopped transferring new firearms? Auction to US?

Should we expect sales closer to the date before the window closed?
What gun stores will do with their handgun inventory when they finally stopped transferring new firearms? Auction to US?

Should we expect sales closer to the date before the window closed?

I wouldn't wait, they could stop it at any time via, OIC
So what about transfers that were initiated and are sitting on Ontario CFO's desks right now and have been for months? Sorry Ryan, not trying to hijack...matter of fact was going to jump on a 19X, but looks like I lost :(
So what about transfers that were initiated and are sitting on Ontario CFO's desks right now and have been for months? Sorry Ryan, not trying to hijack...matter of fact was going to jump on a 19X, but looks like I lost :(

I had a Beretta m9a4 in the cart. Someone was faster with their payment method then I was
What gun stores will do with their handgun inventory when they finally stopped transferring new firearms? Auction to US?

Should we expect sales closer to the date before the window closed?

An OIC banning handgun sales and transfers could happen anytime by the sounds of it ; so hard to know what the future will hold with Trudeau as PM .
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So what about transfers that were initiated and are sitting on Ontario CFO's desks right now and have been for months? Sorry Ryan, not trying to hijack...matter of fact was going to jump on a 19X, but looks like I lost :(

When the AR15 ban happened all transfers that were started were approved.
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