Hand Gun List at Dlask Arms Corp.

They can probably put all the Ontario orders at the back of the production queue and still be finished before their transfers are approved.

Not entirely true my friend. We had a few from The Ont come in already...Many more from the freedom loving Cascadian Provinces though - BC, Alta, Sask and MB.

If you move here quick you can get 'OG' on your new passport once we secede. ( :

In all seriousness we are slugging away to finish these a priority to finish. We understand that the Man-Child and his cronies are hell bent to get this 'freeze' done as well as the eventual AR ban etc. Nothing gets the Lib-Tard voting base stirred up like a good ol' fashioned 'Gun Ban !'

Mine arrived on Monday and I picked it up yesterday. These are very much worth the wait folks, absolutely perfect - clean, straight and tight. Now I'm jonesing to get to the range. There's absolutely nothing about this pistol that even an OCD afflicted gunny could complain about, it's not just that it feels very solid, it's that everything feels exactly "correct". It's hard to explain, but the safety feels like a switch, no mush at all - basically you can't feel the intermediate position or anything during the travel between "on" and "off". It's the same with the trigger, minuscule take up, ultra clean break and zero over travel. Nothing moves in a way that it shouldn't, the checkering is perfect, the sights are entirely clear, sharp and correct and the finish is even throughout. This is a thing of beauty.

Mine arrived on Monday and I picked it up yesterday. These are very much worth the wait folks, absolutely perfect - clean, straight and tight. Now I'm jonesing to get to the range. There's absolutely nothing about this pistol that even an OCD afflicted gunny could complain about, it's not just that it feels very solid, it's that everything feels exactly "correct". It's hard to explain, but the safety feels like a switch, no mush at all - basically you can't feel the intermediate position or anything during the travel between "on" and "off". It's the same with the trigger, minuscule take up, ultra clean break and zero over travel. Nothing moves in a way that it shouldn't, the checkering is perfect, the sights are entirely clear, sharp and correct and the finish is even throughout. This is a thing of beauty.

Agree. Picked mine up last week. A real work of art by Josef. I will be taking this one to the "tomb" with me, along with the 9mm he made for me last year. .


Mine arrived on Monday and I picked it up yesterday. These are very much worth the wait folks, absolutely perfect - clean, straight and tight. Now I'm jonesing to get to the range. There's absolutely nothing about this pistol that even an OCD afflicted gunny could complain about, it's not just that it feels very solid, it's that everything feels exactly "correct". It's hard to explain, but the safety feels like a switch, no mush at all - basically you can't feel the intermediate position or anything during the travel between "on" and "off". It's the same with the trigger, minuscule take up, ultra clean break and zero over travel. Nothing moves in a way that it shouldn't, the checkering is perfect, the sights are entirely clear, sharp and correct and the finish is even throughout. This is a thing of beauty.

Josef says 'Thank you' for the compliment. ( :
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