Handgun Transfer

I am in Alberta and purchased a pistol yesterday from IRG it may not be useful info but I will post when I get notified. I also had to renew my range membership the same day I purchased it as it was expired so who knows what kind of delays I may have caused myself haha.
June 10 restricted purchase, Retail (BC) to Private (Ontario). Transfer initiated by dealer on day of purchase, 5930###. Hopefully getting close.
Was chatting with an Ontario (GTA) shop owner last weekend, July 16, and they said the last transfers they got in that week were waiting 7 and 8 weeks.

Just to set expectations.
It’s been a long time since I have purchased a restricted firearm this is back to being my first one again I sold them few years ago. I was looking at the rcmp website to try and confirm but when buying from a business nothing has changed correct? Aside from having the obvious requirements RPAL, range membership etc etc you just wait to get a reference number from the business and wait for them to ship it? Sorry if this is a super obvious question with all the new rules circling I have been a little out of the loop trying to read through all of it to see if they added more steps with transferring restricted.
Generally the businesses don't provide the reference number to the buyer though they probably could if you asked for it. As the buyer when purchasing from a business you do not need to call the CFC to complete the transfer, that is automatic. Also of note with the recent run on handguns is that some CFO's (Alberta for instance) are not sending the confirmation emails directly to the retailer when the transfer is complete, so the buyer has to make sure they forward the approval to the retailer when they get it.

It’s been a long time since I have purchased a restricted firearm this is back to being my first one again I sold them few years ago. I was looking at the rcmp website to try and confirm but when buying from a business nothing has changed correct? Aside from having the obvious requirements RPAL, range membership etc etc you just wait to get a reference number from the business and wait for them to ship it? Sorry if this is a super obvious question with all the new rules circling I have been a little out of the loop trying to read through all of it to see if they added more steps with transferring restricted.
Generally the businesses don't provide the reference number to the buyer though they probably could if you asked for it. As the buyer when purchasing from a business you do not need to call the CFC to complete the transfer, that is automatic. Also of note with the recent run on handguns is that some CFO's (Alberta for instance) are not sending the confirmation emails directly to the retailer when the transfer is complete, so the buyer has to make sure they forward the approval to the retailer when they get it.

Sounds good, thanks for the info!
Follow up. Waiting on a few. June 6th was first one. Ontario store to me in Ontario.


GOING ON ALMOST 2 MONTHS BOYS!!!!! So if your waiting on an early June order still I think this is normal at the moment.
Generally the businesses don't provide the reference number to the buyer though they probably could if you asked for it. As the buyer when purchasing from a business you do not need to call the CFC to complete the transfer, that is automatic. Also of note with the recent run on handguns is that some CFO's (Alberta for instance) are not sending the confirmation emails directly to the retailer when the transfer is complete, so the buyer has to make sure they forward the approval to the retailer when they get it.

I've several reports of other CFOs (like Ontario) also failing to notify businesses and not sending email confirmations of completed transfers.
5955### alberta private little over a month now. Called to check see if my account was flagged for sales and purchase.
Said 8 to 10weeks now. If your trying to call in and you turn your caller id off you won't get disconnected it will go to the next available person in whatever office feels like answering it seems.
Trying to navigate these waters. Waiting on 2 transfers here in Ontario. Does anyone have a definitive answer as to whether the CFO or Firearms Act “REQUIRES” an active range membership in Ontario to purchase? Only looking for Ontario replies. Thanks all.
Trying to navigate these waters. Waiting on 2 transfers here in Ontario. Does anyone have a definitive answer as to whether the CFO or Firearms Act “REQUIRES” an active range membership in Ontario to purchase? Only looking for Ontario replies. Thanks all.

You can always get a membership from Silvercore. Its only like $50 and satisfies the horse cops
Trying to navigate these waters. Waiting on 2 transfers here in Ontario. Does anyone have a definitive answer as to whether the CFO or Firearms Act “REQUIRES” an active range membership in Ontario to purchase? Only looking for Ontario replies. Thanks all.

Not required in Ontario.
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