Anyone manage to get a transfer started from CanadaAmmo?

One day we can all get together and tell the old stories of when Canam sold guns.

Bought my first 1911 from them. They messed up a promo, I ended up with 2x 1911 (Norinco) and 1000 rounds of .45 for 780$. Would barely get the 1000 rounds for that price nowadays.
any particular reason why not? wondering if i should cancel my order and try my luck elsewhere since I can't even get an answer on their phones

I’m not speaking for Hunter but there was a suspected security breach a couple of months back. It effects people who had accounts with them at that time.

Very unimpressed with their communication and service. I paid last Friday (June 3rd) and received an email on Monday informing me that they’ve received the payment and sent my order to the shipping department. Today I was notified that there’s been an inventory error and my order was canceled and refunded. At one point they had relisted the same item on the website, after I witnessed it sell out the first time around..

I placed an order that same Friday with another business. Saturday they contacted me with confirmation of a transfer application. Monday I received my transfer approval and the item was picked up by the postal service. I had possession on Tuesday evening. It was very impressive on their part; I’ll be a long time customer of their store. I wish I could say the same about CanadaAmmo..
Was emailed also that the Glock I ordered was not in stock. Got an option to wait for restock or get a refund. I chose the refund and they did so within the day. Was worried but reassured by the prompt refund.
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