Look at the gem I found!!

And as per the website, MOST Orders shipped within 5 business days. The firearms community is going insane right now. MOST reasonable people would see/understand this and have some patients. I drove past this shop a few times in the past week and its been busier than ever.
I found this on the website today when I was wondering why an order had not been filled…. Most orders will be shipped within five business days. in this day and age I have to admit I am rather disappointed with the service given I have not ordered a controlled item.

Geezus there Meathead, careful round my little girl there heh!?
A huge part our sport is disappearing, and the freeze could come as early as tomorrow. Shops are moving heaven and earth to get pistols to the people that have paid for them before transfer is impossible. Frankly, your order of an uncontrolled item can wait.
Devil's advocate.

I placed an order with Bullseye while they were closed last night and it was shipped this morning.

With that said, I have heard great things about Tillsonburg and wouldn't hesitate to do business with them.

Companies like Amazon have really raised the bar for shipping speeds and sometimes people's expectations of smaller retailers are not realistic.
No actually, that is their standard for normal times. So I expect I will see this order about Labor Day given current timing. Also it is not a pistol so all it takes is throw it in a box or padded envelope, print the label and send it…. Hardly a long and labourious project.

Don’t forget now they have to get a reference number off of them even for non-restricted firearms…..not too easy to get through these days.
I found this on the website today when I was wondering why an order had not been filled…. Most orders will be shipped within five business days. in this day and age I have to admit I am rather disappointed with the service given I have not ordered a controlled item.

You must be related to O'Toole.
Well thank god you reported it here, we will convene a committee of 12 of your peers to debate the merits of your grievance. A decision will be rendered in 3-5 business days.
I found this on the website today when I was wondering why an order had not been filled…. Most orders will be shipped within five business days. in this day and age I have to admit I am rather disappointed with the service given I have not ordered a controlled item.

Holy, first world problems. Get a hold of yourself.
Devil's advocate.

I placed an order with Bullseye while they were closed last night and it was shipped this morning.

With that said, I have heard great things about Tillsonburg and wouldn't hesitate to do business with them.

Companies like Amazon have really raised the bar for shipping speeds and sometimes people's expectations of smaller retailers are not realistic.

That is the problem.. People expect everything to be shipped Amazon, so they go all Karen when other business cannot do what a multi billion dollar company can.
I ordered bullets from Tillsonburg a week ago, still pending. I ordered a bunch of shotgun parts from S&J Hardware close to 2 weeks ago, still pending.
People trying to get handguns should be given far higher priority than me. If it takes 2 more weeks before either ship, that means more guys got their handgun transfers started before Trudeau closed the window. Which is fkn awesome.
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My complaint about Tillsonburg is also my saving grace.
They are so far away from me and I'm too cheap to pay shipping.
My goodness if I lived near them... cue dramatic music here
'These are the days'

Hey OP Archie 700- I wrote you a little Jingle to the tune of 'Those were the days' lol ~ Enjoy! :)


Boy, the way 'No Sale' played
Wronged, no tracking, didn't get my way
Guys like me love the Karen way

'These are the days'

Didn't need the No 'notification' State.
I'll complain cause you (Tillsonburg!!) didnt Pull your Weight!
Bcuz of you, I only feel Hate

'These are the days'

And you knew who you were then
Girls WERE Girls & Men WERE MEN!
Mister we Can't use a Turd w/Pink Socks & moist EVER Again!
People Kind so cold with the Freeze & never content'

Fifty Dollars on gun parts, & I can't pay the rent
FREAKS used to be in a Circus tent!

'These are the days'

Everyday my heads in a spin
In disbelief, watchin' those Liberals win
Have yourself a sh*tty day (with)
Gas barely under a fin'

Truths were short & Mendicino's lies were long
Heidi & Wendy really sold a fairy tale song
I don't know just what went wrong? (!It's the Liberals!)

'These are the days'

-----------------------------------------------------------------Original Lyrics----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Boy, the way Glenn Miller played
songs that made the hit parade
Guys like me we had it made
Those were the days
Didn't need no welfare state
everybody pulled his weight
gee our old LaSalle ran great
Those were the days
And you knew who you were then
girls were girls and men were men
Mister we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again

People seemed to be content
fifty dollars paid the rent
freaks were in a circus tent
Those were the days
Take a little Sunday spin
go to watch the Dodgers win
Have yourself a dandy day
that cost you under a fin
Hair was short and skirts were long
Kate Smith really sold a song
I don't know just what went wrong
those were the days
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Wishing for the old days lol. I remember when 5 days was light speed and I'm not really that old, or so I tell myself. Even Amazon 2 day shipping usually equates to more than a week for me and I don't live in the boonies.
I found this on the website today when I was wondering why an order had not been filled…. Most orders will be shipped within five business days. in this day and age I have to admit I am rather disappointed with the service given I have not ordered a controlled item.

Well if it makes you feel better, I'm disappointed in you.
I found this on the website today when I was wondering why an order had not been filled…. Most orders will be shipped within five business days. in this day and age I have to admit I am rather disappointed with the service given I have not ordered a controlled item.

Can always start your own business, and offer faster shipping...
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