Single day transfer from payment to TN email!


You are the definition of a self entitled tool.
jeeze man. You’re a real hero LOL.

self entitled to read on the internet. Self entitled to use my fingers to push 4 buttons on a phone.

yup, that’s me! A spoiled brat :D
I literally called to check if they had my range membership, and the lady approved two transfers. I didn’t even ask. My only error was sharing it with you grumpy pants!
Even if every single person that was already calling in decided to do so, it would only randomize the list they have. No big deal. Just a bit of chaos lol

Been trying to get through for days with the same message that they are busy with high call volume and sorry they can’t accept my call. Frustrating to say the least that I can’t even get a transfer initiated.
I did the same thing. I called to see if my range membership needed to be updated because the one they have on file is from 2019...

This is in MB and the lady says no it's good and approved my transfer and emailed me the notice while still on the line. Gun shipped from Prophet River same day.

I did wait about 20 days before calling in though, that's why I thought there must be something wrong. Usually MB is same day approvals.
Yup when I was driving truck long haul I bought an AR 15 at wholesale sports in Winnipeg waiting for a load home called Ontario cfo explained with in 15 minutes I was walking out of the store with my new rifle and that included haveing to call Manitoba cfo for permission to posses it while in Manitoba all was going good till my load home turned into a cross country trip to Vancouver called cfo and explained my situation ended up haveing my ar in my truck for over a month before I got home dam day and Ross lol. But all was good
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