Single day transfer from payment to TN email!


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Thank you to this great company for being on the ball with initiating the transfer. One phone call on my lunch break, got through to the CFO and had my newly registered pea shooter in my email within 9 minutes.

life is good!
now will it arrive before my two weeks off starting next week…. Haha!

edit here, so no more people get all confused with their replies without reading the thread.. --> read my replies below. I didn't get a reference number to call in for a retail store sale transfer. I called about a delayed transfer regarding paperwork.
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I've bought 2 handguns from Realiable gun in Vancouver, they send in their end of it, I go out and sit in truck and call the number they give me, tell them I'm from out of town and would like to take home today, first time took about 1/2 hrs for them to email transfer to reliable, second time only took 16 minutes. Also bought one in Kamloops, same thing, called and said I bought handgun and would like to take with me today, but that I wasn't going home for 3 days, going to kelowna then Vancouver before home, they still sent transfer right away. A little unnerving taking handguns into a hotel, then out for dinner, took it with me.
I called in to check on another one, they hadn’t even looked at it yet. While looking at the older one, they approved it and the new one submitted this morning at the same time.
What? You only call in on private transfers, not when you buy from a retailer. This doesn’t make sense.

I think (could be wrong) what happened is this, all in the same day:

1) Bought the firearm from Al's;
2) Al's puts in the transfer;
3) Al's gives buyer the reference number;
4) Buyer phones up the BC CFO and asks, "pretty please, can you approve the transfer... before my vacation... uwu ?";
5) BC CFO replies, Yeah, sure, just for you... uwu!";
6) BC CFO replies back to Al's to say the transfer is approved; and
7) Al's creates a shipping label.
If you want to speak to the BC CFO office its ext 9530. In the past they have approved while on the phone with me. Right now they are not doing that for some reason or its just luck of then draw depending on who answers the phone. I have had many transfers approved same day by calling in. Often within a few hours. Both private and store purchases.
OMG guys
*shaking my head in sad dismay*
Al's is a retail store, they handle transfers so buyers don't have to call in. We all know there is a HUGE backlog of transfers, so I didn't want to wait 2-3 weeks for it to sort through the pile.

I had an existing private sale transfer I'd been waiting on, and since I've done around 100 of them before, even with the backlog, I thought maybe there was a hold up from my expired range membership they had on file. I called the number, used the correct extension, and just wanted to make sure they had my new range letter on file in case that would hold things up. The lady then says "oh, we don't care about that. But you have two transfers pending. Want me to approve those for you right now?"

So I waited for maybe 5 minutes, then got emails for both the private sale transfer, as well as the purchase I made at Al's this morning. Her name was Sherry and she was delightful and relaxed.

There was no begging. It's timing and courtesy.
I've bought 2 handguns from Realiable gun in Vancouver, they send in their end of it, I go out and sit in truck and call the number they give me, tell them I'm from out of town and would like to take home today, first time took about 1/2 hrs for them to email transfer to reliable, second time only took 16 minutes. Also bought one in Kamloops, same thing, called and said I bought handgun and would like to take with me today, but that I wasn't going home for 3 days, going to kelowna then Vancouver before home, they still sent transfer right away. A little unnerving taking handguns into a hotel, then out for dinner, took it with me.
Umm pretty sure you were supposed to leave it in the hotel as temp storage and it would’ve been fine but going around to dinner with it is a complete different case
No we aren’t supposed to pretty much OP bypassed it trying to get it sooner and technically slowed down the process for everyone else…

Some animals are more equal than others...

"We all know there is a HUGE backlog of transfers, so I didn't want to wait 2-3 weeks for it to sort through the pile"

He is clearly too important to wait his turn guys, show some respect!!!
Some animals are more equal than others...

"We all know there is a HUGE backlog of transfers, so I didn't want to wait 2-3 weeks for it to sort through the pile"

He is clearly too important to wait his turn guys, show some respect!!!

LOL. I have the same tools as everyone else. I just choose to use tools instead of being one. If you know the extension of the person you wish to call, enter it now... or press 2 to get hung up on. I choose not to get hung up on.
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