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I just picked up a Glock 17. Hope everything goes smoothly. Rather see the Glock than a 96% refund. lol Never seen a retailer do this before but I'll bite. Worth the risk and now I don't have to search for it anymore. Another handgun scratched off my bucket list. A few more to go.
I just picked up a Glock 17. Hope everything goes smoothly. Rather see the Glock than a 96% refund. lol Never seen a retailer do this before but I'll bite. Worth the risk and now I don't have to search for it anymore. Another handgun scratched off my bucket list. A few more to go.

Could pay emt. Think they said full refund few posts back.
At least Arms East is being upfront with what they will refund in case of changes in the law. Some other retailers have hidden away in their terms and conditions pages that refunds will be issued only if a transfer cannot be "initiated". Or that only store credit will be provided if the transfer does not go through...

A 4% loss is much better than having thousands of dollars in limbo or tied up in store credit.
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