Transfer Times

The CFO needs a web site presence with a sign "Now serving 5892311" with rolling or ticking numbers. ;)



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First post here, thought I would let ya know. Called AB CFO ext 9026 this morning, office opens at 8:30am… even though it states 9am, was on hold for 18min and spoke to a lovely officer who kindly approved all my transfers on the spot. Even my Aug 1 purchase from a dealer 5982***.

Good luck all!
First post here, thought I would let ya know. Called AB CFO ext 9026 this morning, office opens at 8:30am… even though it states 9am, was on hold for 18min and spoke to a lovely officer who kindly approved all my transfers on the spot. Even my Aug 1 purchase from a dealer 5982***.

Good luck all!

This still blows my mind? I was told this is not a thing they can’t just approve transfers like that? Are people trolling or is this real? Approval has to come from the CFO no?
First post here, thought I would let ya know. Called AB CFO ext 9026 this morning, office opens at 8:30am… even though it states 9am, was on hold for 18min and spoke to a lovely officer who kindly approved all my transfers on the spot. Even my Aug 1 purchase from a dealer 5982***.

Good luck all!

I don't get why people do this. Everyone is waiting to get their transfer approved. Why are you more entitled to get your transfer first?

And then by posting it, you are pretty much encouraging others to do the same. This will cause overall transfer times to increase as it takes time to answer calls and verify all your information rather than looking at what their software has already provided for the next person in line.
August 6th purchase from a very popular retail dealer here
no transfer or reference number given to me or emailed me
I expect by the time I get my transfer approved or my firearm delivered to me ill have 2 ex-wives and bore a couple children by then :d;);):):p:popCorn:
This still blows my mind? I was told this is not a thing they can’t just approve transfers like that? Are people trolling or is this real? Approval has to come from the CFO no?

Not trolling at all. I just called them and asked them to check the status of a couple transfers for me. Did this to see if they had received the info from the dealers I purchased from. I was put on a brief hold then received emails while on the hold, they came back and they said they were able to approve them all and asked me to confirm I received the emails To be clear, I did not ask them to approve them, and they were very pleasant on the phone. I guess sometimes the squeaky wheel gets the grease, so to speak.
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Very Nice and lucky Hansy. I’m in Ontario and tried getting a hold of the CFO as soon as they opened today as well as probably a dozen times later, all with no luck. They don’t even let you stay on hold until someone is available, I have a feeling I’ll be waiting a long, long, loooonnnggg time in Ontario.
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