Thanks Tenda for the super fast shipment!

I've always had good service from Tenda.....I often wonder why the focus is on them here at all times?

It's like the two posts below yours. People just looooooove to complain about things on the internet. One guy complains about shipping times, or being sent the wrong item, and too many people come on the internet to whine about things (myself included sometimes). Human nature.

Always good to present a better side of yourself when you can though, and support guys that are just doing their jobs. Just look at my 'thank your CFO' post. Turned into a ####in circus side-show.
Of course he is, he has to make a living too you know. How else can one afford to live in chilliwack.
LOL I bought in 2014 and rode the wave fella. Plus, I'm very lucky to have a great career. Making a few bucks on guns every 5 years (and likely never again, for obvious reasons) doesn't exactly pay the mortgage.
The guys making the big bucks right now are the distributors that have mass-gouged by raising the prices by 10-20% on almost every gun on the market in the last 3 months, multiplied by 50,000 or however many were sold. Direct all your oozey hatred towards them from here on out. It's actually funny. Moving on....
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