Tenda Canada

Call the CFO at 8:30am Mon-Fri 1800-731-4000 +1 +1 ext.9530
Then tell them you have pending transfers in your name. They will approve them right over the phone. You pretty much have to do their job for them.

That code works for the BC CFO office, is it the same across the country for their own provincial lines?

Just received the transfer notice on the gun today so I suspect it will be shipped shortly.

Thanks for the comments. My biggest concern was that they had shipped the gun and it had been lost or stolen in transit. The lack of correspondence on the matter didn't didn't help as I couldn't tell if it had been shipped or not.

They really need to improve on this.

Thanks again.
I was in their store yesterday. Place was jammed. Some old guy was getting mad because the 2-3 people behind the counter were juggling phone calls, emails, and questions from the line that was forming. I waited for the last 8lbs keg of CFE Pistol patiently without issue. I imagine it's frustrating when you don't get a response but I can understand why some of the vendors are struggling right now. Doesn't help when you really want something like a new gun. I have 4 right now sitting in the Ontario abyss.
My experience:
Bought a pistol off of their website on June 1st
CC charged next day on June 2
Transfer request received by CFO on June 3
Email from Tenda about transfer submission on June 15
Email from CFO re: completion of transfer on August 11

Looks like good service to me…especially given the frenzy around pistols in June.
Anyone know if this company is still in business?

I ordered a firearm from them over a month age; I still haven't received it and I can't get any reply to my E-mails or anyone to answer the phone.

Shoddy way to run a business.

Ya they're still kicking, their customer service is a little lacking though.
I put an order in with them online a few weeks ago for a restricted after talking to someone there one the phone.
After placing the order I had trouble paying online (ended up being a problem with my bank) and my account said the order was placed but on hold.
After calling about 25 times I finally got ahold of someone (a day or two later) to ask to take the order off hold so I could pay online and they told me that they had just sold out of the item so I was out of luck.
Ya they're still kicking, their customer service is a little lacking though.
I put an order in with them online a few weeks ago for a restricted after talking to someone there one the phone.
After placing the order I had trouble paying online (ended up being a problem with my bank) and my account said the order was placed but on hold.
After calling about 25 times I finally got ahold of someone (a day or two later) to ask to take the order off hold so I could pay online and they told me that they had just sold out of the item so I was out of luck.

You must be mad with your bank.
The few times I've used them for run of the mill orders I had to contact them repeatedly to get my orders moving.. which is why I stopped using them altogether. Makes me wonder if they drag their feet like that normally what are they like with the congested restricted transfer..... hope it's money back (not in-store credit) if the transfers don't go thru.
I was in their store yesterday. Place was jammed. Some old guy was getting mad because the 2-3 people behind the counter were juggling phone calls, emails, and questions from the line that was forming. I waited for the last 8lbs keg of CFE Pistol patiently without issue. I imagine it's frustrating when you don't get a response but I can understand why some of the vendors are struggling right now. Doesn't help when you really want something like a new gun. I have 4 right now sitting in the Ontario abyss.

I was in there a few weeks ago and saw the same thing.
Ya they're still kicking, their customer service is a little lacking though.
I put an order in with them online a few weeks ago for a restricted after talking to someone there one the phone.
After placing the order I had trouble paying online (ended up being a problem with my bank) and my account said the order was placed but on hold.
After calling about 25 times I finally got ahold of someone (a day or two later) to ask to take the order off hold so I could pay online and they told me that they had just sold out of the item so I was out of luck.

Lacking is a good word for it. I ordered a rifle from them this spring, and heard nothing for over two weeks, but they charged my card right away. I finally got a reply after trying several times by email and PM on here, and they said they couldn't ship to my address. No idea why, as the Canada Post guy comes up to the house with packages all the time, but they'll ship it to a UPS store in town. It kind of made me wonder if I would have ever heard anything from them if I hadn't got hold of them.
Call the CFO at 8:30am Mon-Fri 1800-731-4000 +1 +1 ext.9530
Then tell them you have pending transfers in your name. They will approve them right over the phone. You pretty much have to do their job for them.
Have you actually done that? I've spoken to the BC CFO several times since this nonsense started and have not had that experience. There's basically nothing they can do, just have to wait.
As far as Tenda, I've bought several from them and had no issues. I had a reference number in 3 days on the most recent one. Still waiting on CFO, but that's not on Tenda.
I emailed last night regarding their best price guarantee. Founf the exact handgun in stock at a competitor for over $200 less. Will see how long to hear back. I've heard mixed reviews with their service, but sometimes reviews are hard to trust too. Will post on hear how they handle it.

Legit question, me not being an ####### for once in my life!

Why not just order from the place that has the gun in stock? I feel like I am missing something when it comes to price matching stuff, seems like more of a hassle to me.
Legit question, me not being an ####### for once in my life!

Why not just order from the place that has the gun in stock? I feel like I am missing something when it comes to price matching stuff, seems like more of a hassle to me.

Fair question for sure. The gun was not in stock at any other retailer at the time I made the purchase. They give you 7 days after purchase to claim the best price guarantee. With handguns going so quickly I just grabbed it at the price they had it listed at. When I saw another retailer got it in stock a couple days later at a much lower price, it was a bonus at that point. Had it been in stock somewhere else for a lower price at the time I was looking then I would have just grabbed from that retailer with the lower price
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Fair question for sure. The gun was not in stock at any other retailer at the time I made the purchase. They give you 7 days after purchase to claim the best price guarantee. With handguns going so quickly I just grabbed it at the price they had it listed at. When I saw another retailer got it in stock a couple days later at a much lower price, it was a bonus at that point. Had it been in stock somewhere else for a lower price at the time I was looking then I would have just grabbed from that retailer with the lower price

I was under the impression the 7 day policy after purchase only applies to Tenda themselves if they lower their prices.
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