Exporting Prohibited to USA

Does a CSA VZ58 meet the atf regulations? And if so, how much does it cost to export, and length of time, etc. Thanks!
I'm no lawyer but once it's outside the country I don't think the Canadians have a say on what you can and can't own.
However, that other jurisdiction may or may not have something to say about a "foreigner" owning or possessing stuff on their turf - most all of them have their own laws and their own enforcement, when on their dirt.
However, that other jurisdiction may or may not have something to say about a "foreigner" owning or possessing stuff on their turf - most all of them have their own laws and their own enforcement, when on their dirt.

^^ This.

Lovely strategy to perhaps get value back for a firearm currently subject to the OIC, however US law has some very definitive regs around foreign nationals possessing firearms.
Does a CSA VZ58 meet the atf regulations? And if so, how much does it cost to export, and length of time, etc. Thanks!

No. Best case scenario it falls under the 1989 assault weapons import ban. Worst case scenario it is one of those with a welded full auto receiver and is considered a machinegun.
Forgive my ignorance, I thought that with the OIC we weren't allowed to export the banned firearms. Is that incorrect?
Yes, since I recall some cz evo was exported a while back.

Your response to 'Sprayed's comment both implies that you cannot export a prohibited firearm, and also says that some of them WERE exported. So what were you trying to say?
Even if it can be done, guns in the US are way cheaper than in Canada. I doubt there is any financial benefit - taking into account export fees - shipping - ect to do so.
So to the point, is there anything I can do legally to avoid the Turd & Bliar taking it, and saving it’s condition until a non-retarded government gets in place?

Seems these guys have no limits

From the Globe and Mail: Morning Update: Trudeau government invoked Emergencies Act despite ‘potential for a breakthrough’ with convoy protesters, documents show - https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-morning-update-trudeau-government-invoked-emergencies-act-despite/?utm_source=Shared+Article+Sent+to+User&utm_medium=E-mail:+Newsletters+/+E-Blasts+/+etc.&utm_campaign=Shared+Web+Article+Links
Collectables will hold their value in the US
It is just the cost of doing business that you have
to factor in to get them there
The benefit is not financial. The benefit is to keep my gun out of the hands of people who would confiscate and destroy an item that is doing nobody any harm, was purchased legally, and is supposed to be shielded from confiscation and destruction by a set of established rights which unfortunately aren't recognized in this country. Finding a legal way to keep my gun away from this unethical and unjustifiable confiscation and destruction is worth more than money to me.
Even if it can be done, guns in the US are way cheaper than in Canada. I doubt there is any financial benefit - taking into account export fees - shipping - ect to do so.

Back in May, I sold 4 prohibs at the Rock Island Auction and the net I received (CAD$4500 net of 25% commission, shipping and export fees) which I believe is in excess of the values I could have ever got in Canada.

- Colt Anaconda .44 Mag as new in box
- S&W 16-4 .32 H&R Mag 4"
- S&W 13-1 .357 Mag 4"
- S&W 67 .38 Special 4"

Used Joel at Borderview for the export and the process was smooth.
Rock Island wired the proceeds directly to my bank account.
The whole process was great but it did take 2 months from start to finish.
Im wondering if there are long term storage facilities in the US we could take advantage of. I really don't want to lose my stuff, but a bigger part of me wants to see the libs really fall hard on their face over this one.
The benefit is not financial. The benefit is to keep my gun out of the hands of people who would confiscate and destroy an item that is doing nobody any harm, was purchased legally, and is supposed to be shielded from confiscation and destruction by a set of established rights which unfortunately aren't recognized in this country. Finding a legal way to keep my gun away from this unethical and unjustifiable confiscation and destruction is worth more than money to me.

Very well said.
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