Request to delete this post, thx.

You won't get a reference number, that's only when you do a private sale with someone.
Not true. Retailers give you, or should give you the Reference # straight away for a Restricted purchase. You don't take any 'action' with it, like a private sale, but you still should get one. I got one same day, & one the next day,{from dealers} even with the Kaos happening.
Wife baught a NR on August 6th
No word yet but starting to wonder if I should call or email soon?
I know things are crazy now but just reading though this post there seems to be quite the range in shipping times.
It’s trouble times right now, everyone is buying, mostly online too. Patience right now my gun friends. FOC is personally my go to. Anything I ordered from there, including my Garand, has come to my house in 2-3 days after ordering. Their amazing in my eyes.
Sound like mine was an issue. FOC sent me an e-mail that must have gone to junk mail. email to buy didn't match the one RCMP had on file.
Cleared up and order will be processed ASAP. Thanks FOC!
Sound like mine was an issue. FOC sent me an e-mail that must have gone to junk mail. email to buy didn't match the one RCMP had on file.
Cleared up and order will be processed ASAP. Thanks FOC!

Does the email you placed the order with really have to match the one on your RCMP portal? Is that a thing?
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Jumping the gun here folks.
Original post stated NR ITEM, not NR firearm, could be a scope, magazine or anything else.

Post seems carefully crafted to make FOC look bad
Jumping the gun here folks.
Original post stated NR ITEM, not NR firearm, could be a scope, magazine or anything else.

Post seems carefully crafted to make FOC look bad

I am responsible for what I say, I am not responsible for your ridiculous interpretation of NR item vs NR firearm. Non Restricted item means only a firearm which is NON RESTRICTED.

Also, I am very pleased with FOC and their customer service. They are reliable so far though they like other shops are under a lot of pressure. The post was never intended to make FOC or anyone look bad. But you probably are having a bad morning since you are "jumping the gun here folks.."

Take a hike, or grab some coffee with some heavy cream, make it double double and smile. Its Friday.
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I've been waiting 2 weeks for a restricted order to just get started by this dealer. Emailed to inquire why the transfer has not started and was told they are 3 weeks behind on their orders.
Not good at all.......

I have a very good experience with them, please be patient. They are working over time and non-stop shifts. It makes sense that they have to start registering orders in sequence of order. Please don't use my post to be angry at them. Thanks.
I stand by my experience & the deadline for restricted transfers will soon end. Buyer beware on the time line for restricteds.

If the transfer is started and a transfer reference number issued. Then probability is high the transfer will be completed.
Cancelling existing transfers could possibly bankrupt some dealers from refunds to customers.
History also shows that transfers will more than likely be completed.
Absolutely, if they don’t match you will get….nothing! No gun, no fun. Make sure tge email you give the store is the same one on file with the RCMP, if you are buying a firearm. Restricted or non restricted.

You can update your email on the rcmp portal . I just did mine successfully because I did use a different email to purchase my restricted with a retailer.
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