Nomination: Prophet River for Retailer of the Year!


CGN frequent flyer
Rating - 99.3%
145   1   0
Ladies and gents, I'm compelled to start a new thread of props to Prophet River (so we might just get inventory in the other thread that I now refresh every 15 minutes), who, unwaveringly, have been there for all of us in the shooting sportsmen community. I've dealt with Clay and Randy on and off over the years, and they have been absolutely consistent in both response and service. Given current conditions, it takes incredible reserve to not take advantage and skim the market - yet the good folks at Prophet River have been stalwarts of integrity whereas virtually every other vendor has turned disgustingly opportunistic. I get economic laws of supply and demand, but when you're taking another $100 or $200 bux off of the now dying breed of pistol shooters, you're just lining your pockets and arguably supporting the ban by restricting access.

Hats off to Prophet for their hard work, pricing consistency, and phenomenal service. You guys will be the only site I visit now.
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Because of PR, I quickly and affordably was able to get a large potion of my buy list. Thank you PR! I know it's in your best interest from a business POV to sell as much, but your responsiveness and fairness is so greatly appreciated. PR goes on my forever-to-buy-from list. Will be looking for some new hunting gear this season. You'll be my go-to. Thank you!
Profit River is the real MVP. They have been absolutely just shoveling guns out the door at as low a price as possible and need to he commended in these times. Thanks again PR!
Yup they definitely stepped up when it mattered!

Thanks for the kind words. We are working hard- getting behind in some things but we are getting every gun into Canada that we can before Friday. We regret that we cannot hold 'old prices' on many items as the math just doesn't work but we are trying hard to keep them as reasonable as possible given how hard these are to source now. Good for business and good for Canadian shooters, we hope. More guns to be listed soon.
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I also will give kudos to this retailer. The ONLY retailer that is still up on CGN at midnight and answering questions! Fast reply via emails as well. Also, who do not taking advantage by gorging people with premium price on this desperate time.
I absolutely agree with the OP's comments about Prophet River. Even though I now live 5+ hours away they're still my retailer of choice.
Don't forget about them when it comes to optics, rifles and everything else after this handgun debacle fades away
100% Because of their interaction with the community and above level communication my last purchase was with PR in show of support for their efforts. I paid a bit more than another vendor that had stock, but the added cost was worth it in support of these guys. Top notch all the way and would not hesitate to give them my business again.
PR has done an outstanding job through this traumatic time caused by the liberals in Ottawa, however so have a hand full of other shops and suppliers so I would also like to publicly raise their names as well. Elwood Epps, Arms East, Nordic Marksman and Marstar have all been stand up, shining examples of how integrity and honour is alive and well across Canada. We should all remember to throw our support behind those that stand for us and our special interests. Buying accessories and ammo after the “freeze” from these loyal business owners will go along way. I for one will not be buying from big box stores going forward as they have done nothing other than to belly up. Remember that all these retailers have to store all these purchases for extended periods of time and wade through a mountain of admin and shipping which has placed a huge stress on all of them. They will be getting Christmas cards from this guy this year! Thanks
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