NR Purchase from FOC Booth at Taccom not fulfilled yet

What a coincidence! LOL Glad it has been resolved.

Yeah man. What a coincidence. I went there today and picked up my NR. The guy is very nice and patience. He explained a lot info related on my firearm. Definitely better than my phone call experience.
It doesn't make one an a-s kisser for telling something good about FOC. I have good experience with FOC and I am entitled to say my opinion and experience. The same way you are entitled to have your opinion. Calling others a-s kissers because their opinions don't fit into you narrative, is not a mature thing to do.

FOC has been one of best dealers in Canada and they deserve some patience from customers since they have been working non-stop to fill the orders and answer to customers.

they lied, it's not about patience, it's honesty. which you don't have or appreciate.
Brass Residue is fine, they normally don't clean the rifle after test firing, most likely left over residue or shavings from that.
Congrats on the purchase, next step accessories!
I also ordered an NR rifle september 9 and had received nothing but UPS tracking number. Called them last Thursday and they told me they had shipped it out last Wednesday but UPS still shows up as label created. Also found it odd that my PAL wasn't checked on the RCMP site and they had claimed to have it shipped out, seems like it's a lie now. This thread is not a good look.

Did you buy from them any other firearms within past 90 days? If so, that reference number with them is still good and you won't receive another one until the 90 days have passed on the original one. I had that on a recent firearm I purchased from a different retailer (still a site sponsor here). My reference number was on day 82 out of 90 and there was not another one issued.
Purchased a restricted from them mid August, and purchased another from Tenda at the beginning of September. I had to email them to get a reference number, and that number is higher than the one Tenda gave me. This is how far behind they are.
Never experienced anything bad from FOC. They are always quick to respond and have one of best customer service. Have you tried sending them an email first before you decided to call them out here on this forum (where some freaks and stalkers will twist your words into something totally different)?

Btw, FOC is under a lot of pressure and working non-stop overtime.

Stop kissing ass and vilifying people with legitimate concerns, please. I get that this forum is for them rather than us but, this is a bit much.
Stop kissing ass and vilifying people with legitimate concerns, please. I get that this forum is for them rather than us but, this is a bit much.

This is a very fair comment.

I have historically had very good experiences with FOC, both online and in person ordering and buying. I have purchased many times from FOC and don't see any reason for me to not continue to do so.

I totally understand that with the current climate, retailers are slammed with orders, processing, etc. But other retailers are in the same boat and have had to find ways to deal with the onslaught of customer calls, emails, inquiries, etc.

My only comment is this. I think in cases where there are legitimate concerns, they can and should be mentioned constructively. I think to say that oh, I have never had problems with FOC is not helpful, for those who have had issues and legitimate ones at that. That said, any retailer can tell you that some customers can be really demanding and even unreasonable, given extenuating circumstances. Here is where communication on both sides needs to take place to try to maturely find a solution. It is not helpful when a customer is not receiving any response to a legitimate question and it is equally not helpful when a customer is not cognizant of a situation such as current climate which would require greater patience than usual.

I have noticed the last three times when I was there in the store, it took forever to get in...that mantrap/foyer area can be a nuisance if there is no one manning the cameras on there. One time I went in and it was literally an 18 minute wait in that little mantrap/waiting area, with 9 other people. People were calling the phone number and no answer. Eventually a fella came out and said that their system was down and they were only fulfilling online orders for pickup. In this case, I think it would have been helpful to either post a sign stating such, so those who hoped to shop in person could have just left without waiting 18 minutes to find this out.

The second time I was there, same thing, long wait and no one answering the phone and in looking through the window, we didn't see anyone (there were about 5-6 of us waiting). No signs posted saying store was closed, etc. I just left.

Third time, long wait but someone did reply by phone saying their system was down and it was cash only purchase or pickup for pre-pay. In this case, a sign would have helped to inform customers who showed up. So these are communication issues that can easily be rectified to inform customer of any challenges. Perhaps the website can reflect an escalation process for customer concerns.
Currently having problems with FOC. Ordered a scope last week shipped. Got a notification with UPS a label was created. A week later still no shipped notification. Tried to call the shop multiple times, no answer. Tried messaging through FB, wondering what's going answer.
I have purchased a APC 9k pro from FOC during at the Taccom booth on Sep 10. Today I call FOC asking for the reference number and the guy told me they had not even submitted for the transfer yet. For your reference today is Sep 23.
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