New World Record Set for Farthest Long-Range Rifle Shot: 4.4 Miles

Anyone watch the videos by Mark and Sam after work? He gets pretty close after a couple of shots and shows pretty good consistency at thousand of yards.
If it took over 60 attempts to hit a target, and the shot isn't reproduced a few times to find a grouping, isn't this shot just dumb luck ?

If you give a monkey a typewriter, sooner or later (in 69 tries) he will type a word.
After trying to hit a 3000 yard target and a 1kph wind sends the bullet 10 meters off target.
If you think you can do better have at it.
I'm impressed.
This is a lame world record claim. 60 plus shots to hit a target! Common man. This isn't a record to be proud of...this is just a bullchit egotistical #### touching contest. If he wouldn't hit that target with 1-3
rounds that'd be something to talk about. This is nothing more the an example of hit probability from someone who has a bigger ego then brains.
As stated the shot needed to be repeatable to be recorded as any kind of record.

If he had taken even 100 shots to zero it, then hit that large target at least twice in a row, or even five times out of 10, he'd have something to share.

I once hit a raccoon at over 1000 yds with a 243. Took over 30 shots, walking bullets all around it throwing up dust, until one happened to hit it. It wasn't stationary either. Yet I never bragged at how accurate that rifle was, nor how skillful I was, as it was a hit that was nothing but chance - it was fun, albeit expensive, and I never tried it again.
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