Cold this winter? If So Go Dutch!

SO a lady is feeling very sick and goes to her doc.
Doc tells her she has 6 months to live...
What should I do? she asks.
Doc says you should do these 3 things - 1st, learn something you always wanted to learn. She says I will learn to play piano
Second, go somewhere you always wanted - I will go to Paris she says.
Third, he says, you should marry a Dutchman....

With 6 months to live, she says why would I marry a Dutchman????????

Doc says....because those next 6 months will seem like forever....

Nutritional Facts

Serving size: 6'/183 cm*

Amount per serving: highly concentrated**

% Daily Value

Reliability 100%
Stubbornness 250%
Punctuality 110%
Directness 2000%
Hagelslag 50%
Political Correctness 1%
Dairy 90%

Do not consume if allergic to strong opinions!

Consult your doctor if you feel insulted or offended in any way!.......:)

Nutritional Facts

Serving size: 6'/183 cm*

Amount per serving: highly concentrated**

% Daily Value

Reliability 100%
Stubbornness 250%
Punctuality 110%
Directness 2000%
Hagelslag 50%
Political Correctness 1%
Dairy 90%

Do not consume if allergic to strong opinions!

Consult your doctor if you feel insulted or offended in any way!.......:)

political correctness: you re blind at 1% i will say nowadays it is 99% like everywhere else lol dutch diplomats are well known for compromises ...
political correctness: you re blind at 1% i will say nowadays it is 99% like everywhere else lol dutch diplomats are well known for compromises ...

Nah, I seem to remember Theodoor Van Gogh getting murdered in broad daylight in Holland for directing a movie critical of Islam and it's treatment of women.
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