preoreder fore the new BCL Siberian

preorders already have a bad enough rep, you'd think BCL would at least provide TNA with a picture or even a rendering of the gun in the correct NR barrel+handguard configuration...
Doesn't look like an 18.5" non-restricted barrel in the photo.

Took the words out of my mouth. Reminds me of back when the NR BRS99 was the rage and a couple dealers only had pics of the restricted version in their ads. I believe that may have started the term "pinocchio" gun. Liking the rifle based on the pic but if that isn't the barrel length, no thanks.
Haha I’m sorry I just get a chuckle every time this thread pops up on my feed.
A BCL pre order which almost always ends in tears then so many typos in the post announcing it.
Anyway I hope it’s awesome! My BCL102 was the one that worked out of the box when it finally arrived.

Hey Gang,

We are still accepting preorders for the new BCL Siberian.

We are expecting to get the first ones shipped out before Christmas

fisrt come, first served

Is this one or any of the other 2 your coming out with gonna be in a 300 blk? If not will my older 300 blk bolt and barrel work on this rifle ? Cheers

we have 300 blackout barrels in stock
along with 350 legend, 6.5 grendle, 7.62x39 and 224 valkrie for custom builds

I have no idea what the options will be once they hit the market
we are supposed to get them mid to late december
they are specifically listed in the proposed ban

So, you will get them just in time to refund all of the pre-order customers because they are now banned.

This makes no sense at all!

I wanted to try one of these, too late now.....:(

Black Creek Labs gets sh1t on again by our corrupt government, certainly not fair to them.

Coyote - banned
Foxbat - banned
Siberian - banned

Anyone seeing a pattern here? Every time BCL makes something nice, trudy and his band of idiots ban them.

So, you will get them just in time to refund all of the pre-order customers because they are now banned.

This makes no sense at all!

I wanted to try one of these, too late now.....:(

Black Creek Labs gets sh1t on again by our corrupt government, certainly not fair to them.

Coyote - banned
Foxbat - banned
Siberian - banned

Anyone seeing a pattern here? Every time BCL makes something nice, trudy and his band of idiots ban them.


They are not banned. Nothing new is banned yet, hence why its still all for sale. The amendment has to pass, and then the bill has to pass. YES they probably both will, but they HAVEN'T YET. Buy what you want NOW.
They are not banned. Nothing new is banned yet, hence why its still all for sale. The amendment has to pass, and then the bill has to pass. YES they probably both will, but they HAVEN'T YET. Buy what you want NOW.

I agree whole heartedly.

However, the first time you send in your banned Siberian for warranty repair is the last time you will see it.

This is a new generation model, there will be obstacles to overcome. One will have to be a very good gunsmith to fix any concerns.

Do I want one of these babies? Heck ya, will I take the risk? Nope.

Everyone has to make their own decision, I'm not happy I don't have a Siberian or an AR-15 at this point. We sure as hell are going to need one moving forward with this corruption and theft these b@g-lickers have planned.......:(
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