This will come to a huge surprise to allot of people. Surplus items are posted and sold to people who personally think the item is neat and do not rely on a consensus of internet threads to decide what they want to buy it.

Who would buy these? A few dozen people so far for what ever reason they decided. Who buys a dewat firearm? Who buys Old military canteens? Who buys old clocks? Who cares. If people want to buy something for what ever reason, that's for them.

Excuse us, we have to run to town now and stop in every store that sells stuff that we don't understand and tell them what we think of their product.
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This will come to a huge surprise to allot of people. Surplus items are posted and sold to people who personally think the item is neat and do not rely on a consensus of internet threads to decide what they want to buy it.

Who would buy these? A few dozen people so far for what every reason they decided. Who buys a dewat firearm? Who buys Old military canteens? Who buys old clocks? Who cares. If people want to buy something for what ever reason, that's for them.

Excuse us, we have to run to town now and stop in every store that sells stuff that we don't understand and tell them what we think of their product.

Lmao I love it you tell them,,, hell I'll order one just for the response you gave haha
This will come to a huge surprise to allot of people. Surplus items are posted and sold to people who personally think the item is neat and do not rely on a consensus of internet threads to decide what they want to buy it.

Who would buy these? A few dozen people so far for what ever reason they decided. Who buys a dewat firearm? Who buys Old military canteens? Who buys old clocks? Who cares. If people want to buy something for what ever reason, that's for them.

Excuse us, we have to run to town now and stop in every store that sells stuff that we don't understand and tell them what we think of their product.

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