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Thread: How about ONE LARGE EFFECTIVE lobby group?

  1. #1
    Moderator tootall's Avatar
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    How about ONE LARGE EFFECTIVE lobby group?

    Unfortunately, the various gun rights orgs in Canada have not come together as one.
    They often say they "are willing to work with similar groups", but they are not ONE.

    With our backs against the wall now, perhaps it is time for the membership (each of us as individuals) to force the issue.
    "When the people lead, the leaders will follow"

    Would you belong to a much larger federation/alliance/affiliation/coalition/etc that represented all forms of recreational shooting sports?
    As I see it, you would join the federation and pay $100 or $150 or whatever per year, then this would be divided between the CSSA, NFA, and CCFR.
    As we are all in this together, any group that is affected by gun laws would be welcome to join. That means all the various target sport disciplines, collector and re-enactor groups, provincial hunting orgs, and so on.

    All various sub-groups could have access to a common magazine, to promote their disciplines. As postage of a bi-monthly magazine is the biggest cost of any org operating on its own, it would be advantageous to have one mag serve all sub-groups. Having it online would free up even more funds to fight the good fight.

    Lets hear your ideas.


    --Web based all inclusive affiliation or alliance.
    --ALL shooting sports represented and supported.
    --ALL stakeholder groups invited to participate.
    --Both group/Assc., and individual memberships.

    --Groups to include:







    HACS-BC and Can Historical Arms Soc

    OFAH (and other provincial wildlife feds)
    CFOA Can Fed of Outfitter Associations

    CPCA Can Police Combat Assc

    IOFSA Instructors of firearm safety assc dead link

    Women’s outdoors or shooting groups
    - (Australian based)

    Handicapped shooters assc.

    ???military re-enactors groups??? Civil war, WW1, WW2,

    ???Gunsmith assc or guild????

    as well as any and all of the various shooting disciplines (Airguns and airsoft also)

    --Invite papers and insight from lobby groups from USA, UK, Australia, NZ, etc.
    Ask what was done well, and what they would do differently.

    --Create various “committees” to deal with specific topics. Assign a “project leader” to each topic. The project leader sets a goal, and gives update reports periodically, to ensure that topics are being addressed. Committees to include:
    Lifetime PAL
    Overturn Sect 91, 92, 117
    Handgun Hunting
    OIC changes (mag capacities, SAP permits)
    ATT made part of PAL
    US export issues (?Canada to apply for exemption that was previously offered?)
    NRCAN import issues with ammo
    NRCAN handload regs
    Research and Statistics
    Maybe a full research group like
    Media Reps
    Changes to allow CF surplus brass to be sold to reloaders (Can. Taxpayers Fed to comment???)

    Promotion and Marketing of the new org.
    Promotion of shooting sports in general, incl financial benefits.
    Union (organized labour) activism
    Video production group to make Youtube style videos
    Hunter meat donation program


    --CILA to be fully funded by the whole affiliation.

    --A set amount (perhaps $5 or $10) from each individual membership dues is specifically dedicated to a legal defence fund, specifically for members.

    -- A set amount (perhaps $1 or $2) from each individual membership dues is specifically dedicated to run a shooting program similar to the old CIL one. Perhaps some businesses could co-sponsor this.

    -- A set amount (perhaps $1 or $2) from each individual membership dues is specifically dedicated to funding organized shooting rankings, such as
    the Shooting Federation of Canada SFC does. Currently, the SFC gets a small amount from the feds as an Olympic sporting org. Unfortunately,
    they are afraid to loose this funding by speaking out.

    --A court watcher program similar to MADD should be established, in order to show the public how the true criminal gets very light sentences.
    A name could be SSALVO, for Safe Shooters Against Lawless Violent Offenders.
    The acronym SSALVO implies firearms, but the actual overall goal is violence of any sort.

    --A Media page to be established, with terminology and proof-reading services for reporters to access in order to write a better article.
    Also, a collection of poorly written or biased articles to be collected.
    A list of reporters that are “blacklisted” due to obvious bias.
    A Research and Stats page to refute articles (or for journalists to access while writing an article, to give balance to WC quotes)

    --An all inclusive web-based magazine (either in .pdf or ??? format) to be established. All groups and disciplines to submit material, so that all groups/sports get to be published.


    --Canadian National Shooting Sports Alliance/Affiliation/Federation/etc

    --Canadian National Sport Shooting Alliance/Affiliation/Federation/etc

    --National Shooting Sports Alliance/Affiliation/Federation/etc of Canada

    -- National Sport Shooting Alliance/Affiliation/Federation/etc of Canada
    Last edited by tootall; 11-25-2022 at 11:02 PM.

  2. #2
    CGN frequent flyer Rapier46's Avatar
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    Thumbs up.

    Only thing I don’t agree with is using the “sport shooting” phrase. We need to be honest with them. We want our guns because we want our guns. We don’t need another reason. It’s our privately owned property.

  3. #3
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer scout_289's Avatar
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    Fold in the outreach portion of the key result areas (item 6) that we desperately need and you can count me, and my wallet, in:

    We have to go to society as equals; not expect society to come to us. The USA example in my sig line is a ready made template of how to go about it. It's amazing how this movement has grown down South and is starting to influence US gun politics in a bipartisan manner. Please take some time to Google all of the new alliances that grew out of the initial pair of AFSP and NSSF getting together. VA, ATF, NRA, police forces, the US concealed carry association ............ have all climbed on board!

    Also there should be an Indigenous focus somewhere. Powerful allies for those of us who own firearms and do not have the same rights as the First Peoples.

    Activist coordination group as in boycotting.

    Stats group - Mauser, Lott, Rangebob .............

    Members only databases and library access.

    Group to award scholarships and bursaries.

    Recognition award for politicians, NGO's, journalists etc. that recognize and support our good work in public volunteering and safety. Politicians love photo ops for good causes while the guns (objects) are downplayed.

    Good job 2tall!
    Last edited by scout_289; 11-25-2022 at 02:07 AM.
    Let's follow the USA example:

  4. #4
    CGN Regular cattabliss's Avatar
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    Great idea. This needs to be initiated by currently the best funded groups. Or at least have a way to get their attention. Do we write them all letters and demand some kind of amalgamation? Who gets to chair or lead the group, at least to start from an organizing perspective.

    I imagine each organization will dump on the other and this risks division more than unity. But that's just humans being humans. How to overcome?
    Oh hello. Are you picking up your brass?

  5. #5
    Moderator tootall's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rapier46 View Post
    Thumbs up.

    Only thing I don’t agree with is using the “sport shooting” phrase. We need to be honest with them. We want our guns because we want our guns. We don’t need another reason. It’s our privately owned property.
    You and I understand the concept of personal property, but we need to get our message to the soccer moms in the GTA.
    So we need to be pleasant. "Mine, not yours, piss off!" probably won't get much understanding.

    Scout_289, you are right about including the Indigenous peoples as well. Good call.

    I also forgot to mention the Parliamentary Outdoor Caucus.

    This is a group of MPs from ALL parties. (open to all parties, but how many actually are, IDK)

    Cattabliss, yes, I expect a lot of pushback from the 3 main lobby orgs.
    Membership means money. So that's why I suggest that every shooter join the bigger federation (Or whatever legal form it takes. Not my strong suit...), then tempt them all to come join us.
    Last edited by tootall; 11-25-2022 at 03:45 AM.

  6. #6
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer J.Hancock's Avatar
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    We also need the government to acknowledge that our firearms are defensive tools before they are toys and sporting equipment. Wanting them so we can play is one thing. Owning them because they may save our lives someday is another. All my play is practice. On that note, bring in the air softers too?
    "When truth and fairness differs from what is law, better to follow truth and fairness."

  7. #7
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer scout_289's Avatar
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    In theory the best way to get the orgs to work together is to cut their funding completely / drastically and advise them that they can only access support through the federation.

    One or more who are truly well meaning with keeping our guns as their foremost objective would then be expected to initiate negotiations with the others and come over to the federation with a working agreement in hand.

    Key to this is a critical mass of Canadian gun owners who are currently members of one or more orgs to move their membership to the federation. This is a huge obstacle because most of them are now in panic mode and want to do something / anything to get Trudeau off our back so throwing money blindly at the orgs is all that they are willing to do.

    Until the money moves to where it will actually do some good there isn't any incentive for the orgs to change their game because they are also too timid to do something different.

    Trudeau has us by the curls and the Liberals play us like a fiddle because we're afraid to break the mold. And I'm not talking disobedience; I'm talking smarts.

    I believe that your idea of an umbrella federation is superb and will result in many more gun owners stepping forward. More of the ladies will join a kinder / gentler organization. The three orgs each have a schtick but those differences cover too small a number of options whereas the federation can offer something for everyone so that they could attract broader support.

    For example wifey and I do volunteering and get to mix with a wide variety of the general public. In the normal course of going about our business sometimes the topic of guns comes up. Since volunteers are desperately needed we have a relatively captive audience to give them a different POV, explain Canada's gun laws and that is how we "normalize" gun ownership. If any of them get nervous we can show them out record of biannual criminal record check (we work with vulnerable little ones as teaching assistants and I deliver training on behalf of Junior Achievement which was nominated for the 2022 Nobel Peace Prize *) and explain how we are checked in CPIC every day. Two people is a tiny contribution to changing our image. Twenty thousand people would make a huge difference ................

    The orgs better wake up because it's obvious that they have run out of ideas and time, Trudeau is on a tear and with the coming hard economic times people will be thinking three times where every dollar is spent. Change or die on the vine .............

    * - that's what I mean by a force multiplier. It would be impossible for Trudeau to be sticking it to us as Canadian citizens with such glee and abandon if those same citizens were aligned as volunteers working "very hard" to support a candidate organization for a Nobel Prize. JA doesn't have to endorse gun ownership; they just have to state the fact that people are working for the greater good and they just happen to be gun owners!

    "JA Worldwide Nominated for the 2022 Nobel Peace Prize; Junior Achievement USA Celebrates this Prestigious Honor. Colorado Springs, CO - Today, Junior Achievement USA announced that JA Worldwide, which represents all Junior Achievement organizations globally, has been nominated for the 2022 Nobel Peace Prize."

    That's our personal FU Trudeau moment and there's no chance of going to jail for it
    Let's follow the USA example:

  8. #8
    Super GunNutz UR2X3M4ME's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tootall View Post
    Cattabliss, yes, I expect a lot of pushback from the 3 main lobby orgs.
    Membership means money. So that's why I suggest that every shooter join the bigger federation (Or whatever legal form it takes. Not my strong suit...), then tempt them all to come join us.

    Matter of time, on their own these orgs are all dead.
    Long overdue to have the strength of one major org.
    Quote Originally Posted by DrXenon View Post
    What do you need a brake on a 5.56mm firearm for? You should just slip a maxipad under your bra strap to dampen the hellish recoil.
    Spock to Kirk:
    "Logic dictates Captain. If Pro-Gunners are as violent as Anti-Gunners say they are, there would not be any Anti-Gunners left."

  9. #9
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer Odinson's Avatar
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    I'm all for ONE good, competent association. I have brought this idea up years ago on this site only to be told it wouldn't work. A single association, effective association is our only hope of our sport surviving.

    Sadly though, there are too many EGOs at play to allow that to happen. The various Org and associations are not really in it for you and I, they are in it for themselves.

  10. #10
    Member qcdude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Odinson View Post
    I'm all for ONE good, competent association. I have brought this idea up years ago on this site only to be told it wouldn't work. A single association, effective association is our only hope of our sport surviving.

    Sadly though, there are too many EGOs at play to allow that to happen. The various Org and associations are not really in it for you and I, they are in it for themselves.

    Today is like never before we need one org to unite interests of all the gun owners to join all the efforts together until we get what we want.
    I'm also wondering if it would be possible to get support from big businesses i.e. Savage Arms and more (Rem is not in good financial state AFAIK) including maybe ones from EU. The absence of a single strong federation makes things difficult. Who would care to guess which one of those Canadian orgs is worth supporting.

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