
Insignificant Yes, to the point of being ridiculous!

If your so empathetic to buddies hardship maybe you should start a go-fund-me ... I'm sure thousands will respond to raise the 10 bucks.

I teach my grandchildren they wouldn't be rewarded for whining behavior over trivial things.

I wonder where the "entitlement" syndrome in todays youth comes from?

LOL, and by the way, I drove 45 minutes to the local Canadian Tire store to pick up an item their website showed in stock...horror or horrors... its wasn't in stock on my arrival.

WTF, I should have started a ##### thread to reap all the sympathy I could and run those Azzholes into the ground for an inventory mistake, right?

Or, did I do the right thing by understanding inventory mistakes happen and carry on with the rest of my day without incident?

Sincerely hope you and buddy have a great day!

No, I will not reward buddy for whining about what I consider to be a VERY trivial ordeal. :)

Oh man! So you bought and paid for it and when you went to go get it they told you they didn’t have it?

That sucks
A box of ammo s pretty small , so probably fairly easy to misplace in a retail environment . They may have been hoping to restock before you came to pick up the ammo , so they didn't notify you right away...sometimes mistakes get made as it happens to all of us at times .

This is silly. Just give the guy a heads up. There is no reason for them to know but the customer not to know. Honestly, they seem pretty slack.
I tend to call ahead prior to pick up or the stores i buy from also call to say your order is ready. This is easiest way to avoid any of this and promptly pick up if you can.

You can’t gwt anyone on the phone, ever. I’m not exaggerating, I’ve tried for weeks before then just give up. They just seem like they do t really need to put in the effort and don’t.
Well, all the loudmouths have seem to have STFU and scurried away with their tails between their legs. Well, except for one, who ended up making himself look like a fool all by himself.
OP did wait 2 weeks to pick it up. He could easially called before making the trip.

Okay, so your assuming epps did not realize they had no stock to fulfill the order and money they accepted at the moment he arrived to claim his goods?

Maybe, but your right what a goof for not calling in advance after assuming all was good 2 weeks after paying.... some people eh! HIgh and mighty indeed!
Okay, so your assuming epps did not realize they had no stock to fulfill the order and money they accepted at the moment he arrived to claim his goods?

Maybe, but your right what a goof for not calling in advance after assuming all was good 2 weeks after paying.... some people eh! HIgh and mighty indeed!

I bet it got re sold.

Sometimes people in business do not communicate. Someone could put the order off to the side, but time goes by, and another worker thinks it's just a box that wasn't put back. So it was placed on the shelf and re sold.
The foolishness of starting a thread calling out a retailer for making an inventory error on a public forum is the drama.

Have a nice evening.

Sort of like your own post about UPS. You seem to be clueless about how badly you made yourself look like a hypocritical fool.
Like I said:
Put up or shut up.
Sort of like your own post about UPS. You seem to be clueless about how badly you made yourself look like a hypocritical fool.
Like I said:
Put up or shut up.

Dude, ....that post was a comment about a non delivered parcel listed as delivered ( you know, like an outright lie, a fraudulent statement, maybe a conscious attempt steal property).

And I'll admit my use of the term "brain dead monkey" wasn't called for.

Do you work for UPS?
Dude, ....that post was a comment about a non delivered parcel listed as delivered ( you know, like an outright lie, a fraudulent statement, maybe a conscious attempt steal property).

And I'll admit my use of the term "brain dead monkey" wasn't called for.

Do you work for UPS?

Nope, don't work for them. But it seems though you are pretty quick to throw the concept of theft around pretty quick when you have no idea what actually happened. Kind of like what you are doing in this post. Lots of supposition and guessing on your part.

You can't see you are what you accuse others of.
Put up or shut up.
Seems you won't put up and you won't shut up.

Edit to add: I have my own issues with UPS on a daily basis. They do some really dumb things but I have never accused them of theft, which you are quick to jump to that conclusion without a shread of evidence.

Like I said the other loudmouths knew to stfu, you on the other hand, well our own monkey term you used comes to mind.
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I won't use them anymore even though they are the closest gun shop to my home. What the op described has happened to me 3 times. The last time was a pound of H4350. The explanation was it was a very popular item and that someone must have bought it over the counter at the same time I purchased it online. Fair enough stuff happens but they wait until you go to pick it up to tell you it is unavailable...how about an email or a phone call. Not good enough.
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