Rumors of a Spring Election

The Emergencies Act Inquiry results will most likely be the main influence on weather there is an election or not. If it is deemed the Federal Government legitimately used it and there was no wrong doing, then there probably won't be an election. If the results are the opposite of that, then it is suspected an election would be called for if there is a motion from the opposition parties of no confidence.

If there is an election - the focus should be informing Canadians on how the vast majority of things have become worse under the current Federal Government, without letting them use C0VID-19 and the war in the Ukraine as their scapegoat, and that change is needed (just like the Liberals did with their 'Stop Harper' campaign). The ridings of Blair, Mendicino, Joly, and Lametti need to have well-veted, quality CPC candidates funded and supported, to push those sitting ministers that have promulgated much of the firearms legislation currently seen, out of parliament.
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To be fair, Liberals were telling their MP's to fundraise over the summer to prepare for a fall election.

Right now Lib internals are showing the CPC in a minority government position. And rising. The Liberals could go next spring before Poilievre and the CPC are in majority territory, knowing a CPC minority wouldn't last long. I'm somewhat skeptical give Trudeau is essentially in majority now thanks to Singh.

Some in the party (allegedly) want to go, have Trudeau lose so they can move to dump him as leader.

He's pushing for the amendment to C-21 to get the banned list into legislation so it would require legislation to remove. Had he left it as an OIC, the CPC could undo it via OIC.
The Emergencies Act Inquiry results will most likely be the main influence on weather there is an election or not. If it is deemed the Federal Government legitimately used it and there was no wrong doing, then there probably won't be an election. If the results are the opposite of that, then it is suspected an election would be called for if there is a motion from the opposition parties of no confidence.

If there is an election - the focus should be informing Canadians on how the vast majority of things have become worse under the current Federal Government, without letting them use C0VID-19 and the war in the Ukraine as their scapegoat, and that change is needed (just like the Liberals did with their 'Stop Harper' campaign). The ridings of Blair, Mendicino, Joly, and Lametti need to have well-veted, quality CPC candidates funded and supported, to push those sitting ministers that have promulgated much of the firearms legislation currently seen, out of parliament.

The EA results mean nothing.

If Trudeau is found to have had justification to invoke, nothing happens. If Trudeau is found to have abused his power, there will be no consequences.

Any no confidence vote will fail. Bloc and NDP both supported invoking the EA.
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No thanks, I'd rather not vote for a WEF stooge. Max was in the streets with the people and even arrested by horseback goons for standing up and speaking up against the tyranny, where was Pi'erre? If PP really is the most popular and viable candidate then who cares what the fringe PPC "whackjobs" vote for?

You know Poilievre has publically disavowed the WEF on a number of occasions right?

He's literally said he'll ban his cabinet members from attending their meetings.

Ever consider that maybe Maxime Bernier is the controlled opposition?

A vote for Maxime Bernier IS A VOTE FOR TRUDEAU.

It's undeniable.

Brush up on vote splitting, understand how Canadian politics work, don't waste your vote.
Use of the Emergencies Act is not a big issue for the majority of voters (if anything, a majority supported it). Given that the Liberals have locked in NDP support for their government, I highly doubt that there will be a spring election. I could be wrong, but unless Polievre does something outrageously unpopular, I just don't see the incentive to go to the polls. The longer the Liberals eat the NDP's lunch, the more irrelevant the NDP will become and the Liberals will pull in more voters from that side of the spectrum. Having said which, I wouldn't bet on their chances in 2024 - it's rare for federal parties in Canada to be in power for longer than 10 years and 2024 will likely be a "change" election, just like the one in 2015 (and 2006, 1993 and 1984). On the other hand, one of the iron laws of Canadian politics is that the party in power in Queen's Park is not the one in power in Ottawa. So who knows?
No thanks, I'd rather not vote for a WEF stooge. Max was in the streets with the people and even arrested by horseback goons for standing up and speaking up against the tyranny, where was Pi'erre? If PP really is the most popular and viable candidate then who cares what the fringe PPC "whackjobs" vote for?

Thats funny because PP said hed ban members of govt from being involved with the WEF. Maxime literally was involved with the WEF during his time in govt. But i wouldn't expect anyone still voting ppc to actually know this. Its almost impossible to tell a ppc voter from a bot because of how generic and wrong their information is lol
I’d reserve any hope that this might happen until after I’d heard it from a credible news source. What’s linked here is an editorial piece from a paper with a well-deserved reputation for pandering and sensationalism.

Just sayin, it’s not just the left-wing media that’s full of ####. there is absolutely no reason why there would be an election anytime soon.
I knew Canadians were stupid. I just didn’t realize how stupid. I still can’t comprehend that this government is in power and Trudeau is leader. What concerns me most, is that there still requires debate about it....SAD
These are the co-workers you need to take to the range with some 22 cal pistols to show them that its fun, and that they didn't instantly turn into mass murderers when the gun got ahold of them.

I have offered!

A few have expressed interest and others have said they would never touch a gun even if their life depended on it. But surprisingly those are ones that brought up the 90% smuggled number. So there there is some hope

So for its been an issue of scheduling for the ones want to come but ill make sure it happens.
People need to realize that the majority of Canadians live in citys, and will generally follow those stereotypical lines. We aren't getting the next version of Jeff Cooper as PM. PP is the best option we have had since Harper. If he can show a bit of humanity (instead of just tenacity in question period) he will be potentially acceptable for the people who vary their vote between libs and cons.

The four most important things to do:
-constantly remind everyone, all the time, how much worse life has become in the past few years. Don't mention guns (we are all voting cons anyway), its energy costs, food costs, increased crime, lowered quality of life.

-with your leftie friends (you know, the one that makes a living off lesbian poetry readings and ethnic peace bicycles) that will never vote cons, talk up the ndp. An ndp vote takes one away from the liberals, not the cons. But in ndp held ridings, talk up the liberals. Theres a right voter base, a left voter base, and a middle ground. We want to unite the right, fragment the left and appeal to the middle.

-make the cons earn your vote. The PPC did well because many cons voters were put off by O'Toole's mushyness. The cons need to stand for something. And it doesn't need to be a slogan of "an sks for every 2 year old". Just a forthright declaration that they will respect property rights, that may mean firearms for us, and ribbed high intensity silicon powered dildos for liberal voters. The conservatives need to respect the legal rights of all canadians (property, faith, ###ual choice, etc), and not turn tail when CBC asks a question. PPC got my vote last time because the cons were Liberals from 6 years ago (also my riding is cons +20). The current leader is more appealing than fat fuddy man.

-if gun ownership becomes an election issue, we need to act like adults. The F' Trudeau stickers aren't necessary, we get it, and you are only making the cons look autistic by association. Be a reasonable person, not a screeching retard. If the discussion comes up, inform people "no, you can't just carry a handgun in canada, its only to/from the range, double locked". The vast majority of non-gun owners don't know anything except that CBC has told them that the Sks was used to murder Jesus. The question isn't a matter of having guns, its the fact that the govt has decided it has the right to ban any property they want (considering the body count they should consider banning heroin). We can be as spastic as we want in here, but out in the world you can be the polite, calm, rational person with the stats to back it up, or you can be the guy in the sandwich board standing on the street corner screaming that the lizard people are secretly running the world (i mean, I won't say he's wrong, but most people aren't ready for that). Don't give gun owners a bad representation, just be a normal person. They can accept your hobbies, just like you don't slag them for being a chronically masturbating satan worshipper.

This was the best and good advice
Well done
Supposedly there are rumors of a spring election, says some media sources.... So in saying that this is the opportunity that we can actually capitalize on, this is what we have been waiting for! The Liberals have apparently warned their MPs to be election ready, so we as a community need to ensure that the conservatives are also ready.

Link to news source:

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What actions should we be taking to build the conservative vote, while also dividing the three opposing parties? You tell me CGN...


I would take this with the grain of salt, as the Liberals have nothing to gain by calling early elections.

If they called them right now, they would likely lose and by the time spring rolls around, they will likely be plagued by even more scandals (if that is even possible), thus reducing their chances even further.

Their best chance is to lay low and hope for a miracle, or some kind of a scandal from the CPC side, which they could then exploit.
PPC Mavrick etc are votes for the libs. Very few city people and especially eastern city people would vote hard right. Hell Im a lifelong conservative and I think they're simply dividing the party. Our LIBERTARIANs don't do anything but steal votes from the Real conservative party. The middle decides EVERY election. There are people in the middle who can decide this. If the hard righties would just realize that the PPC has some good ideas but is not a viable option for change.
Didn't we just have an election?

I've actually thought about this.
1) If you are young and are capable of reaching out to people get on the TikTok and post videos educating people about our gun laws. Demonstrate how we are not the threat.
2) Spot and report bots on social media who hurt our cause.
3) I personally think that people who don't want to vote Conservative will never vote Conservative out of principal. Encourage them to vote Green. They're against guns, too, but have a low chance of winning. Splitting the Liberal/NDP vote may help a Conservative win
Unfortunately, for some people it's spite. I guess it makes them feel better about themselves?.. :confused:

It's easy to understand if you listen to what past PPC voters have said. The majority of people who voted for the PPC in the past were sending a warning to the CPC that they need to get their ship in order if they want their vote. The CPC needed to have their hands slapped, the fault lies entirely with them.

It looks like the mini rebellion worked; the CPC now has a capable leader and a real shot at forming government. I suspect that the vast majority of PPC voters have moved back under the CPC flag now, the sheer number of Conservative memberships sold during the leadership race is strong evidence of that.

So you don't need to worry, I doubt the PPC will be more than a blip on the radar next election and they won't be splitting the vote in any meaningful way.
I knew Canadians were stupid. I just didn’t realize how stupid. I still can’t comprehend that this government is in power and Trudeau is leader. What concerns me most, is that there still requires debate about it....SAD

We don’t have many better choices unfortunately. Sad state of affairs when he’s the best option.
And if they vote NDP what then? Back to where we are today.

The third way was intended to get the NDP on our side again, like they were in the 90's.

Forget about the NDP to be on pour side. They made their choice clear..they support the Libs and their policies. Libs and NDP are the same.
Take this to the bank.
There is ONE strategy- vote CPC - none other.
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